(patches attached) Greetings. I have a patch that allows GNU java to target MingW64 (host=GNU/Linux only). Are you guys still taking patches now that Java has been removed from GCC 7? Or would it be more appropriate to host it on my own website or instructables.com? I also have another patch that cuts all the GUI, cryptography, and non UTF8/16 charset support from libgcj. This reduces the size of statically linked EXEs a lot (~27MiB to 4.5 MiB for a hello world program). This is important for a legacy utility that other developers use on Windows and who don't want to install a Java runtime. Commenting out and deleting code is a crude way to do, I know. Should use conditional compilation and even explore what's causing GUI code to be dragged into a hello world program. Maybe dead code removal isn't working (need to compile with -ffunction-sections and --gc-sections?) appreciate your feedback, -Yale