> > (import (ij IJ)) [ if that is correct, I don't know > > [ if not please correct me > You need set the classpath before you start up the Java VM - typically > on the java command line or a CLASSPATH environment variable. > For example: > $ CLASSPATH=.:ij.jar kawa Thanks, someone kindly answered on #kawa. I will mail the example I got so other may benefit: I did not know a module was auto define based on the name of the file... and other things jhope explained me on #irc > > Also, How do I introspect a module? Like once yu tll me how to make these > > ij-1.49v.jar, mpicbg_-1.0.1.jar, .. known to java, how can I list the public > > interface of these modules, its classes, methods ... > Introspection is a complex feature. Kawa doesn't really have an introspection > API - you can use the Java reflection API or the model API, but these are > nontrivial; certainly more than a quick reply here. What is your specific > use-case? Everything I can do when using clos I guess. > If you're just trying the learn what's available in a libray, the usual > method is to look at the javadoc-generated API documentation. For example > for imagej look here: Sure, but how do you debug? Maybe the second jar must be in a specific subdirectory, if that so, how would I know? Cheers, David