In order to build the Kawa documentation (with sources for the invoke branch from the Gitlab repo) following the instructions at I found that I needed to edit the URL for chunkfast.xsl in doc/style/kawa.xsl. (Otherwise I got errors about failing to load external entity style/chunkfast.xsl.) I have included a patch below for completeness, even though the change it is quite trivial. The Debian docs seem to suggest the change should be generally applicable but I am not sure. Even if the patch doesn't make sense in general, this message may help others with a setup similar to mine, which is Debian 8 (Jessie). I got the idea for the replacement URL from /usr/share/doc/docbook-xsl/README.Debian.gz file of the docbook-xsl package on Debian. With this change, I was able to build the HTML documentation and the resulting HTML pages look like the ones on the Kawa site, with the exception that the table of contents in the left pane are missing, and in their place is a link to the table of contents. (I didn't investigate that issue further yet.) Regards, -chaw