hello, here is an example of function and a full example of code written in Scheme+ for Kawa: ; modify coefficients layer (define (modification_des_poids M_i_o η z_input z_output z̃_output ᐁ_i_o მzⳆმz̃) ; derivative of activation function of the layer ; the length of output and input layer with coeff. used for bias update {(len_layer_output len_layer_input_plus1forBias) <+ (dim-matrix M_i_o)} ; use values and define-values to create bindings {len_layer_input <+ {len_layer_input_plus1forBias - 1}} (for-each-in (in-range len_layer_output) ; line (lambda (j) (for-each-in (in-range len_layer_input) ; column , parcours les colonnes de la ligne sauf le bias (lambda (i) {M_i_o[j {i + 1}] <- M_i_o[j {i + 1}] - {(- η) * z_input[i] * მzⳆმz̃(z_output[j] z̃_output[j]) * ᐁ_i_o[j]}})) ; and update the bias {M_i_o[j 0] <- M_i_o[j 0] - {(- η) * 1.0 * მzⳆმz̃(z_output[j] z̃_output[j]) * ᐁ_i_o[j]}}))) the full code example is available here (best viewed with Safari due to z̃ special character in this example): https://github.com/damien-mattei/AI_Deep_Learning/blob/c7c9794627f4d498f86f7ddf94d56517c5be1f7f/exo_retropropagationNhidden_layers_matrix_v2_by_vectors4kawa%2B.scm#L78 and the current version of Scheme+ for Kawa code is available here: https://github.com/damien-mattei/Scheme-PLUS-for-Kawa it is now available as a simple module in Kawa that can be loaded this way: (require Scheme+) but due to the lack of SRFI 105 curly infix in Kawa a Scheme+ program must be parsed before by curly-infix2prefix4kawa.scm to convert it in Kawa scheme code like this: curly-infix2prefix4kawa.scm kawa_code+.scm | tr -d '|' > kawa_code.scm Damien