Hello, in the process of working on GRASP, I observe that the "eval" function works differently when invoked on Android and on JVM. More specifically, the Android version seems to be missing some features. For example, I have a function called "numbers", which takes keyword arguments. When I evaluate the expression (numbers from: 0 to: 3), the JVM client returns the list (0 1 2 3), as expected. However, the Android client throws the WrongArgument exception. Another problem is the lack of support for the object:field notation. It is properly parsed by the Android client as ($lookup$ object (quasiquote field)) IIRC, but the "$lookup$" isn't defined properly. I believe it can have something to do with the fact that on Android, the "eval" function isn't available by default, and in order to make it run, I do the following thing on startup: (let ((scheme ::gnu.expr.Language (or kawa.standard.Scheme:instance (kawa.standard.Scheme)))) (kawa.standard.Scheme:registerEnvironment) (gnu.mapping.Environment:setCurrent (scheme:getEnvironment))) Is there anything that I could change in this initialization in order to have those Kawa-specific features? Also, I yesterday recorded a 15-minute demo in which I use GRASP to build a GUI calculator. I think that it shows the current state of the editor quite well: https://youtu.be/-oj3e_E2-Jk Best regards, Panicz