On 01/17/2017 10:16 PM, Duncan Mak wrote: > Hello Per, > > I just tried building kawa from source (using a checkout from the > gitlab repo) and "kawa -w" works if I build it locally. > > Running it from the official binary distribution fails > (https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/8301#issuecomment-273030690) > - this means there's something system-dependent that got baked into > the JAR file? My guess is the "system dependency" is DomTerm and/or JLine. If you build from source, if you don't specify the configure flags --with-domterm and/or --with-jline3 then -w will be equivalent to -wswing - it won't try to use any of the DomTerm console variations. However, the binary distribution includes both, so -w will try to use Domterm (and jline) and fail. The old Swing console works, but it has some basic problems, specifically rather limited input editing. You can use the DomTerm and JLine from the binary distribution to build the source distribution: ./configure --with-domterm=/tmp/kawa-2.3 --with-jline3=/tmp/kawa-2.3/lib/jline.jar assuming you unziped kawa-2.3.zip into /tmp You can also try the attached patch. You're supposed to see something like: $ bin/kawa -w java.lang.Error: setCurL:kawa.standard.Scheme@1a86f2f1 th:Thread[main,5,main] p1:#|kawa:%N|# p2:#|%P.%N|# at gnu.expr.Language.setCurrentLanguage(Language.java:55) at gnu.expr.Language.setDefaults(Language.java:1206) at kawa.repl.getLanguage(repl.java:227) at kawa.repl.processArgs(repl.java:383) at kawa.repl.main(repl.java:820) Started web server on port 46315. Browse java.lang.Error: DomTerm.run th:Thread[Thread-9,5,main] p1:#|kawa:%N|# p2:#|%P.%N|# at kawa.DomTermBackend.run(DomTermBackend.java:132) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) -- --Per Bothner per@bothner.com http://per.bothner.com/