> On 1 Feb 2023, at 19:47, Sam James via Libc-alpha wrote: > [snip] > > Then we're back to: > 1. How do we stop people doing it dangerously? > 2. How do we enable distributions interested in supporting > cases where the hardware only works for 32-bit & they can > rebuild their userland in its entirety? > > If we don't want to do 2. yet, then we need to figure out > something for 1. Saying "wait because there aren't > the resources to make the migration sane yet" would > work. One more thing: I'm fine with us saying to wait, because ideally we'd be done (lol) with Modern C porting first, because implicit function declarations affect doing mass- rebuilds anyway if someone is doing this via the package manager rather than hard-changing the glibc default.