Hi, Thank you for your reply. I was only looking at the return value section of the documentation. However, it makes sense to me now. Thank you. On Thu, Jun 1, 2023 at 11:05 PM Florian Weimer wrote: > * Jayakrishna Vadayath: > > > The man page of strtok mention that strtok returns a pointer to the > > next token or NULL if there are no more tokens : > > > https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/strtok.3.html__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!bQa53ZIha6p2oe0o-luVxpSJFX4pb7VPYYq36zBLfwHYp6-jrFmUvqu99oGfoqfG3qYlrRhyElmpVpse$ > I can see how the > > "no more tokens" would apply in this case, but it seems like not many > > people are aware of this case. > > > > Can you list the descriptions of strtok that explain this behavior ? > > This part is quite clear to me: > > | The first call to strtok() sets this pointer to point to the first > | byte of the string. The start of the next token is determined by > | scanning forward for the next nondelimiter byte in str. If such a > | byte is found, it is taken as the start of the next token. If no such > | byte is found, then there are no more tokens, and strtok() returns > | NULL. > > The last sentence is really unambiguous. Maybe it's the double > negation? > > Thanks, > Florian > > -- Regards Jayakrishna Menon