#!/usr/bin/python3 # Build many configurations of glibc. # Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This file is part of the GNU C Library. # # The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see # . """Build many configurations of glibc. This script takes as arguments a directory name (containing a src subdirectory with sources of the relevant toolchain components) and a description of what to do: 'host-libraries', to build libraries required by the toolchain, 'compilers', to build cross-compilers for various configurations, or 'glibcs', to build glibc for various configurations and run the compilation parts of the testsuite. Subsequent arguments name configurations for which compilers or glibc are to be built. """ import argparse import os import os.path import re import shutil import stat import subprocess import sys class Context: """The global state associated with builds in a given directory.""" def __init__(self, topdir, parallelism): """Initialize the context.""" self.topdir = topdir self.parallelism = parallelism self.srcdir = os.path.join(topdir, 'src') self.installdir = os.path.join(topdir, 'install') self.host_libraries_installdir = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'host-libraries') self.builddir = os.path.join(topdir, 'build') self.logsdir = os.path.join(topdir, 'logs') self.makefile = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'Makefile') self.wrapper = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'wrapper') self.build_triplet = self.get_build_triplet() self.glibc_version = self.get_glibc_version() self.configs = {} self.glibc_configs = {} self.makefile_pieces = ['.PHONY: all\n'] self.add_all_configs() def get_build_triplet(self): """Determine the build triplet with config.guess.""" config_guess = os.path.join(self.component_srcdir('gcc'), 'config.guess') cg_out = subprocess.run([config_guess], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, universal_newlines=True).stdout return cg_out.rstrip() def get_glibc_version(self): """Determine the glibc version number (major.minor).""" version_h = os.path.join(self.component_srcdir('glibc'), 'version.h') with open(version_h, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() starttext = '#define VERSION "' for l in lines: if l.startswith(starttext): l = l[len(starttext):] l = l.rstrip('"\n') m = re.fullmatch('([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)[.0-9]*', l) return '%s.%s' % m.group(1, 2) print('error: could not determine glibc version') exit(1) def add_all_configs(self): """Add all known glibc build configurations.""" self.add_config(arch='arm', os_name='linux-gnueabi') self.add_config(arch='m68k', os_name='linux-gnu') self.add_config(arch='m68k', os_name='linux-gnu', variant='coldfire', gcc_cfg=['--with-arch=cf']) self.add_config(arch='x86_64', os_name='linux-gnu', gcc_cfg=['--with-multilib-list=m64,m32,mx32'], glibcs=[{}, {'variant': 'x32', 'ccopts': '-mx32'}, {'arch': 'i686', 'ccopts': '-m32 -march=i686'}], extra_glibcs=[{'variant': 'disable-multi-arch', 'cfg': ['--disable-multi-arch']}, {'variant': 'disable-multi-arch', 'arch': 'i686', 'ccopts': '-m32 -march=i686', 'cfg': ['--disable-multi-arch']}, {'arch': 'i486', 'ccopts': '-m32 -march=i486'}]) def add_config(self, **args): """Add an individual build configuration.""" cfg = Config(self, **args) if cfg.name in self.configs: print('error: duplicate config %s' % cfg.name) exit(1) self.configs[cfg.name] = cfg for c in cfg.all_glibcs: if c.name in self.glibc_configs: print('error: duplicate glibc config %s' % c.name) exit(1) self.glibc_configs[c.name] = c def component_srcdir(self, component): """Return the source directory for a given component, e.g. gcc.""" return os.path.join(self.srcdir, component) def component_builddir(self, action, config, component, subconfig=None): """Return the directory to use for a build.""" if config is None: # Host libraries. assert subconfig is None return os.path.join(self.builddir, action, component) if subconfig is None: return os.path.join(self.builddir, action, config, component) else: # glibc build as part of compiler build. return os.path.join(self.builddir, action, config, component, subconfig) def compiler_installdir(self, config): """Return the directory in which to install a compiler.""" return os.path.join(self.installdir, 'compilers', config) def compiler_bindir(self, config): """Return the directory in which to find compiler binaries.""" return os.path.join(self.compiler_installdir(config), 'bin') def compiler_sysroot(self, config): """Return the sysroot directory for a compiler.""" return os.path.join(self.compiler_installdir(config), 'sysroot') def glibc_installdir(self, config): """Return the directory in which to install glibc.""" return os.path.join(self.installdir, 'glibcs', config) def run_builds(self, action, configs): """Run the requested builds.""" if action == 'host-libraries': if configs: print('error: configurations specified for host-libraries') exit(1) self.build_host_libraries() elif action == 'compilers': self.build_compilers(configs) else: self.build_glibcs(configs) self.write_files() self.do_build() @staticmethod def remove_dirs(*args): """Remove directories and their contents if they exist.""" for dir in args: shutil.rmtree(dir, ignore_errors=True) @staticmethod def remove_recreate_dirs(*args): """Remove directories if they exist, and create them as empty.""" Context.remove_dirs(*args) for dir in args: os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) def add_makefile_cmdlist(self, target, cmdlist, logsdir): """Add makefile text for a list of commands.""" commands = cmdlist.makefile_commands(self.wrapper, logsdir) self.makefile_pieces.append('all: %s\n.PHONY: %s\n%s:\n%s\n' % (target, target, target, commands)) def write_files(self): """Write out the Makefile and wrapper script.""" mftext = ''.join(self.makefile_pieces) with open(self.makefile, 'w') as f: f.write(mftext) wrapper_text = ( '#!/bin/sh\n' 'prev_base=$1\n' 'this_base=$2\n' 'desc=$3\n' 'dir=$4\n' 'path=$5\n' 'shift 5\n' 'prev_status=$prev_base-status.txt\n' 'this_status=$this_base-status.txt\n' 'this_log=$this_base-log.txt\n' 'date > "$this_log"\n' 'echo >> "$this_log"\n' 'echo "Description: $desc" >> "$this_log"\n' 'echo "Command: $*" >> "$this_log"\n' 'echo "Directory: $dir" >> "$this_log"\n' 'echo "Path addition: $path" >> "$this_log"\n' 'echo >> "$this_log"\n' 'record_status ()\n' '{\n' ' echo >> "$this_log"\n' ' echo "$1: $desc" > "$this_status"\n' ' echo "$1: $desc" >> "$this_log"\n' ' echo >> "$this_log"\n' ' date >> "$this_log"\n' ' echo "$1: $desc"\n' ' exit 0\n' '}\n' 'check_error ()\n' '{\n' ' if [ "$1" != "0" ]; then\n' ' record_status FAIL\n' ' fi\n' '}\n' 'if [ "$prev_base" ] && ! grep -q "^PASS" "$prev_status"; then\n' ' record_status UNRESOLVED\n' 'fi\n' 'if [ "$dir" ]; then\n' ' cd "$dir"\n' ' check_error "$?"\n' 'fi\n' 'if [ "$path" ]; then\n' ' PATH=$path:$PATH\n' 'fi\n' '"$@" < /dev/null >> "$this_log" 2>&1\n' 'check_error "$?"\n' 'record_status PASS\n') with open(self.wrapper, 'w') as f: f.write(wrapper_text) os.chmod(self.wrapper, (stat.S_IRWXU|stat.S_IRGRP|stat.S_IXGRP| stat.S_IROTH|stat.S_IXOTH)) def do_build(self): """Do the actual build.""" cmd = ['make', '-j%d' % self.parallelism, '-C', self.builddir] subprocess.run(cmd, check=True) def build_host_libraries(self): """Build the host libraries.""" installdir = self.host_libraries_installdir builddir = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'host-libraries') logsdir = os.path.join(self.logsdir, 'host-libraries') self.remove_recreate_dirs(installdir, builddir, logsdir) cmdlist = CommandList('host-libraries') self.build_host_library(cmdlist, 'gmp') self.build_host_library(cmdlist, 'mpfr', ['--with-gmp=%s' % installdir]) self.build_host_library(cmdlist, 'mpc', ['--with-gmp=%s' % installdir, '--with-mpfr=%s' % installdir]) cmdlist.add_command('done', ['touch', os.path.join(installdir, 'ok')]) self.add_makefile_cmdlist('host-libraries', cmdlist, logsdir) def build_host_library(self, cmdlist, lib, extra_opts=None): """Build one host library.""" srcdir = self.component_srcdir(lib) builddir = self.component_builddir('host-libraries', None, lib) installdir = self.host_libraries_installdir cmdlist.push_subdesc(lib) cmdlist.create_use_dir(builddir) cfg_cmd = [os.path.join(srcdir, 'configure'), '--prefix=%s' % installdir, '--disable-shared'] if extra_opts: cfg_cmd.extend (extra_opts) cmdlist.add_command('configure', cfg_cmd) cmdlist.add_command('build', ['make']) cmdlist.add_command('check', ['make', 'check']) cmdlist.add_command('install', ['make', 'install']) cmdlist.cleanup_dir() cmdlist.pop_subdesc() def build_compilers(self, configs): """Build the compilers.""" if not configs: self.remove_dirs(os.path.join(self.builddir, 'compilers')) self.remove_dirs(os.path.join(self.installdir, 'compilers')) self.remove_dirs(os.path.join(self.logsdir, 'compilers')) configs = sorted(self.configs.keys()) for c in configs: self.configs[c].build() def build_glibcs(self, configs): """Build the glibcs.""" if not configs: self.remove_dirs(os.path.join(self.builddir, 'glibcs')) self.remove_dirs(os.path.join(self.installdir, 'glibcs')) self.remove_dirs(os.path.join(self.logsdir, 'glibcs')) configs = sorted(self.glibc_configs.keys()) for c in configs: self.glibc_configs[c].build() class Config: """A configuration for building a compiler and associated libraries.""" def __init__(self, ctx, arch, os_name, variant=None, gcc_cfg=None, glibcs=None, extra_glibcs=None): """Initialize a Config object.""" self.ctx = ctx self.arch = arch self.os = os_name self.variant = variant if variant is None: self.name = '%s-%s' % (arch, os_name) else: self.name = '%s-%s-%s' % (arch, os_name, variant) self.triplet = '%s-glibc-%s' % (arch, os_name) if gcc_cfg is None: self.gcc_cfg = [] else: self.gcc_cfg = gcc_cfg if glibcs is None: glibcs = [{'variant': variant}] if extra_glibcs is None: extra_glibcs = [] glibcs = [Glibc(self, **g) for g in glibcs] extra_glibcs = [Glibc(self, **g) for g in extra_glibcs] self.all_glibcs = glibcs + extra_glibcs self.compiler_glibcs = glibcs self.installdir = ctx.compiler_installdir(self.name) self.bindir = ctx.compiler_bindir(self.name) self.sysroot = ctx.compiler_sysroot(self.name) self.builddir = os.path.join(ctx.builddir, 'compilers', self.name) self.logsdir = os.path.join(ctx.logsdir, 'compilers', self.name) def component_builddir(self, component): """Return the directory to use for a (non-glibc) build.""" return self.ctx.component_builddir('compilers', self.name, component) def build(self): """Generate commands to build this compiler.""" self.ctx.remove_recreate_dirs(self.installdir, self.builddir, self.logsdir) cmdlist = CommandList('compilers-%s' % self.name) cmdlist.add_command('check-host-libraries', ['test', '-f', os.path.join(self.ctx.host_libraries_installdir, 'ok')]) cmdlist.use_path(self.bindir) self.build_cross_tool(cmdlist, 'binutils', 'binutils', ['--disable-gdb', '--disable-libdecnumber', '--disable-readline', '--disable-sim']) if self.os.startswith('linux'): self.install_linux_headers(cmdlist) self.build_gcc(cmdlist, True) for g in self.compiler_glibcs: cmdlist.push_subdesc('glibc') cmdlist.push_subdesc(g.name) g.build_glibc(cmdlist, True) cmdlist.pop_subdesc() cmdlist.pop_subdesc() self.build_gcc(cmdlist, False) cmdlist.add_command('done', ['touch', os.path.join(self.installdir, 'ok')]) self.ctx.add_makefile_cmdlist('compilers-%s' % self.name, cmdlist, self.logsdir) def build_cross_tool(self, cmdlist, tool_src, tool_build, extra_opts=None): """Build one cross tool.""" srcdir = self.ctx.component_srcdir(tool_src) builddir = self.component_builddir(tool_build) cmdlist.push_subdesc(tool_build) cmdlist.create_use_dir(builddir) cfg_cmd = [os.path.join(srcdir, 'configure'), '--prefix=%s' % self.installdir, '--build=%s' % self.ctx.build_triplet, '--host=%s' % self.ctx.build_triplet, '--target=%s' % self.triplet, '--with-sysroot=%s' % self.sysroot] if extra_opts: cfg_cmd.extend(extra_opts) cmdlist.add_command('configure', cfg_cmd) cmdlist.add_command('build', ['make']) cmdlist.add_command('install', ['make', 'install']) cmdlist.cleanup_dir() cmdlist.pop_subdesc() def install_linux_headers(self, cmdlist): """Install Linux kernel headers.""" arch_map = {'arm': 'arm', 'm68k': 'm68k', 'x86_64': 'x86'} linux_arch = None for k in arch_map: if self.arch.startswith(k): linux_arch = k break assert linux_arch is not None srcdir = self.ctx.component_srcdir('linux') builddir = self.component_builddir('linux') headers_dir = os.path.join(self.sysroot, 'usr') cmdlist.push_subdesc('linux') cmdlist.create_use_dir(builddir) cmdlist.add_command('install-headers', ['make', '-C', srcdir, 'O=%s' % builddir, 'ARCH=%s' % linux_arch, 'INSTALL_HDR_PATH=%s' % headers_dir, 'headers_install']) cmdlist.cleanup_dir() cmdlist.pop_subdesc() def build_gcc(self, cmdlist, bootstrap): """Build GCC.""" # libsanitizer commonly breaks because of glibc header # changes, or on unusual targets. libssp is of little # relevance with glibc's own stack checking support. cfg_opts = list(self.gcc_cfg) cfg_opts += ['--disable-libsanitizer', '--disable-libssp'] if bootstrap: tool_build = 'gcc-first' # Building a static-only, C-only compiler that is # sufficient to build glibc. Various libraries and # features that may require libc headers must be disabled. # When configuring with a sysroot, --with-newlib is # required to define inhibit_libc (to stop some parts of # libgcc including libc headers); --without-headers is not # sufficient. cfg_opts += ['--enable-languages=c', '--disable-shared', '--disable-threads', '--disable-libatomic', '--disable-decimal-float', '--disable-libffi', '--disable-libgomp', '--disable-libitm', '--disable-libmpx', '--disable-libquadmath', '--without-headers', '--with-newlib', '--with-glibc-version=%s' % self.ctx.glibc_version ] else: tool_build = 'gcc' cfg_opts += ['--enable-languages=c,c++', '--enable-shared', '--enable-threads'] self.build_cross_tool(cmdlist, 'gcc', tool_build, cfg_opts) class Glibc: """A configuration for building glibc.""" def __init__(self, compiler, arch=None, os_name=None, variant=None, cfg=None, ccopts=None): """Initialize a Glibc object.""" self.ctx = compiler.ctx self.compiler = compiler if arch is None: self.arch = compiler.arch else: self.arch = arch if os_name is None: self.os = compiler.os else: self.os = os_name self.variant = variant if variant is None: self.name = '%s-%s' % (self.arch, self.os) else: self.name = '%s-%s-%s' % (self.arch, self.os, variant) self.triplet = '%s-glibc-%s' % (self.arch, self.os) if cfg is None: self.cfg = [] else: self.cfg = cfg self.ccopts = ccopts def tool_name(self, tool): """Return the name of a cross-compilation tool.""" ctool = '%s-%s' % (self.compiler.triplet, tool) if self.ccopts and (tool == 'gcc' or tool == 'g++'): ctool = '%s %s' % (ctool, self.ccopts) return ctool def build(self): """Generate commands to build this glibc.""" builddir = self.ctx.component_builddir('glibcs', self.name, 'glibc') installdir = self.ctx.glibc_installdir(self.name) logsdir = os.path.join(self.ctx.logsdir, 'glibcs', self.name) self.ctx.remove_recreate_dirs(installdir, builddir, logsdir) cmdlist = CommandList('glibcs-%s' % self.name) cmdlist.add_command('check-compilers', ['test', '-f', os.path.join(self.compiler.installdir, 'ok')]) cmdlist.use_path(self.compiler.bindir) self.build_glibc(cmdlist, False) self.ctx.add_makefile_cmdlist('glibcs-%s' % self.name, cmdlist, logsdir) def build_glibc(self, cmdlist, for_compiler): """Generate commands to build this glibc, either as part of a compiler build or with the bootstrapped compiler (and in the latter case, run tests as well).""" srcdir = self.ctx.component_srcdir('glibc') if for_compiler: builddir = self.ctx.component_builddir('compilers', self.compiler.name, 'glibc', self.name) installdir = self.compiler.sysroot srcdir_copy = self.ctx.component_builddir('compilers', self.compiler.name, 'glibc-src', self.name) else: builddir = self.ctx.component_builddir('glibcs', self.name, 'glibc') installdir = self.ctx.glibc_installdir(self.name) srcdir_copy = self.ctx.component_builddir('glibcs', self.name, 'glibc-src') cmdlist.create_use_dir(builddir) # glibc builds write into the source directory, and even if # not intentionally there is a risk of bugs that involve # writing into the working directory. To avoid possible # concurrency issues, copy the source directory. cmdlist.create_copy_dir(srcdir, srcdir_copy) cfg_cmd = [os.path.join(srcdir_copy, 'configure'), '--prefix=/usr', '--enable-add-ons', '--build=%s' % self.ctx.build_triplet, '--host=%s' % self.triplet, 'CC=%s' % self.tool_name('gcc'), 'CXX=%s' % self.tool_name('g++'), 'AR=%s' % self.tool_name('ar'), 'AS=%s' % self.tool_name('as'), 'LD=%s' % self.tool_name('ld'), 'NM=%s' % self.tool_name('nm'), 'OBJCOPY=%s' % self.tool_name('objcopy'), 'OBJDUMP=%s' % self.tool_name('objdump'), 'RANLIB=%s' % self.tool_name('ranlib'), 'READELF=%s' % self.tool_name('readelf'), 'STRIP=%s' % self.tool_name('strip')] cfg_cmd += self.cfg cmdlist.add_command('configure', cfg_cmd) cmdlist.add_command('build', ['make']) cmdlist.add_command('install', ['make', 'install', 'install_root=%s' % installdir]) if not for_compiler: cmdlist.add_command('check', ['make', 'check']) cmdlist.cleanup_dir('cleanup-src', srcdir_copy) cmdlist.cleanup_dir() class Command: """A command run in the build process.""" def __init__(self, desc, num, dir, path, command, always_run=False): """Initialize a Command object.""" self.dir = dir self.path = path self.desc = desc trans = str.maketrans({' ': '-'}) self.logbase = '%03d-%s' % (num, desc.translate(trans)) self.command = command self.always_run = always_run @staticmethod def shell_make_quote_string(s): """Given a string not containing a newline, quote it for use by the shell and make.""" assert '\n' not in s if re.fullmatch('[]+,./0-9@A-Z_a-z-]+', s): return s strans = str.maketrans({"'": "'\\''"}) s = "'%s'" % s.translate(strans) mtrans = str.maketrans({'$': '$$'}) return s.translate(mtrans) @staticmethod def shell_make_quote_list(l, translate_make): """Given a list of strings not containing newlines, quote them for use by the shell and make, returning a single string. If translate_make is true and the first string is 'make', change it to $(MAKE).""" l = [Command.shell_make_quote_string(s) for s in l] if translate_make and l[0] == 'make': l[0] = '$(MAKE)' return ' '.join(l) def shell_make_quote(self): """Return this command quoted for the shell and make.""" return self.shell_make_quote_list(self.command, True) class CommandList: """A list of commands run in the build process.""" def __init__(self, desc): """Initialize a CommandList object.""" self.cmdlist = [] self.dir = None self.path = None self.desc = [desc] def desc_txt(self, desc): """Return the description to use for a command.""" return '%s %s' % (' '.join(self.desc), desc) def use_dir(self, dir): """Set the default directory for subsequent commands.""" self.dir = dir def use_path(self, path): """Set a directory to be prepended to the PATH for subsequent commands.""" self.path = path def push_subdesc(self, subdesc): """Set the default subdescription for subsequent commands (e.g., the name of a component being built, within the series of commands building it).""" self.desc.append(subdesc) def pop_subdesc(self): """Pop a subdescription from the list of descriptions.""" self.desc.pop() def create_use_dir(self, dir): """Remove and recreate a directory and use it for subsequent commands.""" self.add_command_dir('rm', None, ['rm', '-rf', dir]) self.add_command_dir('mkdir', None, ['mkdir', '-p', dir]) self.use_dir(dir) def create_copy_dir(self, src, dest): """Remove a directory and recreate it as a copy from the given source.""" self.add_command_dir('copy-rm', None, ['rm', '-rf', dest]) parent = os.path.dirname(dest) self.add_command_dir('copy-mkdir', None, ['mkdir', '-p', parent]) self.add_command_dir('copy', None, ['cp', '-a', src, dest]) def add_command_dir(self, desc, dir, command, always_run=False): """Add a command to run in a given directory.""" cmd = Command(self.desc_txt(desc), len(self.cmdlist), dir, self.path, command, always_run) self.cmdlist.append(cmd) def add_command(self, desc, command, always_run=False): """Add a command to run in the default directory.""" cmd = Command(self.desc_txt(desc), len(self.cmdlist), self.dir, self.path, command, always_run) self.cmdlist.append(cmd) def cleanup_dir(self, desc='cleanup', dir=None): """Clean up a build directory. If no directory is specified, the default directory is cleaned up and ceases to be the default directory.""" if dir is None: dir = self.dir self.use_dir(None) self.add_command_dir(desc, None, ['rm', '-rf', dir], always_run=True) def makefile_commands(self, wrapper, logsdir): """Return the sequence of commands in the form of text for a Makefile. The given wrapper script takes arguments: base of logs for previous command, or empty; base of logs for this command; description; directory; PATH addition; the command itself.""" # prev_base is the base of the name for logs of the previous # command that is not always-run (that is, a build command, # whose failure should stop subsequent build commands from # being run, as opposed to a cleanup command, which is run # even if previous commands failed). prev_base = '' cmds = [] for c in self.cmdlist: ctxt = c.shell_make_quote() if prev_base and not c.always_run: prev_log = os.path.join(logsdir, prev_base) else: prev_log = '' this_log = os.path.join(logsdir, c.logbase) if not c.always_run: prev_base = c.logbase if c.dir is None: dir = '' else: dir = c.dir if c.path is None: path = '' else: path = c.path prelims = [wrapper, prev_log, this_log, c.desc, dir, path] prelim_txt = Command.shell_make_quote_list(prelims, False) cmds.append('\t@%s %s' % (prelim_txt, ctxt)) return '\n'.join(cmds) def get_parser(): """Return an argument parser for this module.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('-j', dest='parallelism', help='Run this number of jobs in parallel', type=int, default=os.cpu_count()) parser.add_argument('topdir', help='Toplevel working directory') parser.add_argument('action', help='What to do', choices=('host-libraries', 'compilers', 'glibcs')) parser.add_argument('configs', help='Configurations to build', nargs='*') return parser def main(argv): """The main entry point.""" parser = get_parser() opts = parser.parse_args(argv) topdir = os.path.abspath(opts.topdir) ctx = Context(topdir, opts.parallelism) ctx.run_builds(opts.action, opts.configs) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])