Hi! For compatibility reasons, still getservbyname{,_r} needs to read whole servyces.byname map for requests for non-existent protocols. This patch allows the admin to say in /etc/default/nss that services.byservicename exists and is authoritative and thus avoid fetching the whole map ever by getservbyname*. Attached are also incremental patch to ypserv (on top of the one from yesterday) and a full ypserv patch. Apparently at least Solaris 9 is building the services.byservicename map properly (i.e. say for qotd 17/tcp quote qotd 17/udp quote there will be qotd/tcp, qotd, quote/tcp, quote, qotd/udp and quote/udp keys) while the Makefile I googled up would not add in the case above "quote". Jakub