tst-timer4.out fails for me now on Linux/x86-64 running a 2.6.4 kernel with (using nptl): clock_gettime returned timespec = { 1082189786, 576892000 } clock_getres returned timespec = { 0, 999848 } timer_settime with it_value 0 it_interval invalid failed: Invalid argument timer_settime with it_value 0 it_interval invalid failed: Invalid argument Andreas -- Andreas Jaeger, aj@suse.de, http://www.suse.de/~aj SuSE Linux AG, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany GPG fingerprint = 93A3 365E CE47 B889 DF7F FED1 389A 563C C272 A126