I receive this error when attempting to configure and install glibc-2.38: configure: error: *** The GNU C library is currently unavailable for this platform. *** If you are interested in seeing glibc on this platform visit *** the "How to submit a new port" in the wiki: *** https://sourceware.org/glibc/wiki/#Development *** and join the community! I am not a developer as far as I know, just a user trying to get Jupyterlab to run my NodeJS kernel which it has done for years on my previous MACs. I do remember installing glibc on my intel MACs to get various programs to run. I have dabbled in the C language, but I am not a C or C++ developer or programmer, so, although I have reviewed your contents for a port submission, frankly I’m clueless. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, Richard W. Bump