hello, i am a developer from china and i have encountered a tricky problem in the current development process. I need to compile a dynamic library, but i don't want to use symbols with "@GLIBC in the dynamic library, because it needs to be used in different glibc runtime environments. Therefore, during the compilation and linking process, I used the -Wl,--wrap compilation option to change the glibc symbols used to __wrap_xxxx. However, this method only works for functions. Because i must use "-fstack-protector-strong",the compiled dynamic library will add "__stack_chk_guard" symbol, which is an OBJECT and cannot be replaced. I hope to get some help from you. 1. Is there a way to replace "__stack_chk_guard" or remove "@GLIBC_2.4" from "__stack_chk_guard@GLIBC_2.4"? 2.If there is no way to replace it, is "__stack_chk_guard" only avaliable in the GLIBC2.4 version within visible time? thank you!