Hello, one of our developers reported that when we build libc in our environment using Yocto Project we end up with corrupted debug symbols even though the -g flag is passed to the CFLAGS variable. I noticed that in fact some gcc commands (about ~300) are missing -g flag in the invocation. So now my question is: is there some reason why some objects are built without CFLAGS? You can get the list of objects without debug symbols (and CFLAGS) by setting CFLAGS=" -g " for make and using grep for gcc or cross gcc in the make execution log file and grep with an invert match for ' -g '. I found some solution which I'm not sure if is correct. Simply apply the patch from the attachment and run the build and there are 0 gcc invocations without -g flag. With that patch in our environment I was able to get functional libc debug symbols. Looking forward to getting the answer on my questions and the review if my patch is correct and should be applied in the glibc or if there is another solution. Best regards, Tomasz Dziendzielski