Dear list members, for an old system without package management I was used to update glibc from the source, i.e. I downloaded the source, built it accordingly and installed the new glibc by "make install". As far as I understand, the new glibc will be copied to /lib/, the new ld-linux is copied to /lib/, etc. and ldconfig fixes all the symlinks and rebuilds /etc/ so that the system switches to the new libs. Makes sense, works good. This worked until glibc-2.33, but broke with 2.34, In the release notes I find: * Previously, glibc installed its various shared objects under versioned file names such as The ABI sonames (e.g., were provided as symbolic links. Starting with glibc 2.34, the shared objects are installed under their ABI sonames directly, without symbolic links. This increases compatibility with distribution package managers that delete removed files late during the package upgrade or downgrade process. Now the new glibc appears to be copied to /lib/ directly within the "make install", and after that the install breaks by segmentation fault and the whole system is unusable because there is a new /lib/ but the rest is not yet installed. So, before the quoted change is was possible to upgrade glibc from source on a running system, but as of 2.34 this is no longer possible. Is there any chance to get the previous behaviour back as an option, or is there any other way to install a glibc update from compiled source on a running system? Thank you very much, yours, Patrick