The following series of patches merges the changes in gcc's copy of libffi since this gcc-commit: 2012-12-26 16:28 green * libffi merge While I've tried to resolve conflicts in a sensible way, I've not made any effort to check what the patches do or whether they are (still) useful, so please double check before checking in. libffi still compiles after applying the patches 1 to 7 (without path "0", see below), but I've not run any tests. The "zeroth" patch is attached right to this message. To me it looks like a patch that is applied to gcc every time libffi is merged, but there may be unrelated bits; I cannot judge that. (The patch conflicts with a later patch in the series, but the conflict is easy to resolve.) Ciao Dominik ^_^ ^_^ -- Dominik Vogt IBM Germany