Hello! Earlier I sent an email about wanting to try to implement the new features described in https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2024/p2643r2.html I've now gone and done that. I've added the support for all the commands for floats, and integer values, as well as atomic_flag. I've added tests for atomic_integer. I will of course finish all the types and add tests for all the types, but I wanted to know if this is work that is wanted or if it's to early to implement, and I also wanted some feedback. I have a couple of questions: 1. How should I feature test for this to be enabled or not? For the `wait` and `notify` functionality #if __glibcxx_atomic_wait is used, should I guard this behind a new type of flag? 2. How is the formatting? Is there a command to format all the files? 3. What timeout values should I use for tests? I don't want the waiting to take 2seconds, but I also don't want the tests to fail intermittently. I've tried to use 60ms buffer now, but this seems like a lot to me. 4. Why does "__atomic_wait_address_for_v" take the "old" parameter by rvalue reference? Immediately we call a function which takes the parameter by value. Is this just an oversight or is there some semantics here that I'm not aware of? I've attached the patches in what I hope is a good format, I hope that I've not butchered this completely! Best regards, Teodor Spæren