On Tue, 20 Feb 2024, 22:59 腾刘, <27rabbitlt@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi, all > > I'm new to free software community and I'm bit confused about gcc's mirror > repository in github. > > It's mirrored from gnu, but there are still pull requests, some are open, > some are closed. What are these PRs, and can I also contribute to > gcc/libgc++ by opening a PR, other than the way suggested here: Contributing > to GCC - GNU Project , since I don't > understand how to send patch by email. > No. The GitHub repo is an unofficial mirror set up (as far as I can tell) by GitHub and then completely abandoned by whoever owns it. It syncs automatically with the official repo but nobody looks at the pull requests there. The closed pull requests were closed by the submitters without being merged. Most of them are completely broken nonsense anyway. There's nothing very complicated about sending patches by email. You send an email with a patch attached.