While poking around in gnu/testlet/java/util/SimpleTimeZone/check12.java i found the following code: Date date = new Date(1034705556525l); TimeZone zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("EST"); DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance( DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.LONG, Locale.getDefault()); dateFormat.setTimeZone(zone); harness.check("10/15/2002 2:12:36 PM EDT", dateFormat.format(date)); To me this seems problematic for two reasons: 1) The test depends on the locale of the test environment 2) More generally it depends on exactly matching formatting rules from the DateFormat instance, something I believe is not specified. In other words it is possible that a spec conforming implementation fails the test because it formats dates in a slightly different way. In the attached patch i have replaced the getDateTimeInstance() call with a SimpleDateFormat that should behave consistently in all locales and jvms. Please apply. Since I have a few patches now awaiting review/comments/inclusion/rejection I have collected them in http://resare.com/noa/mauve/patches for easy access. If anyone wants to try them out, apply them in lexical order. /noa