Attached is the start of the new Mauve test harness I've been working on. The features that are present so far include: 1. easier invocation: - from the mauve source folder type (using jamvm, for example), type "jamvm Harness" to run all tests. - "jamvm Harness -help" displays a help screen. - single test: "jamvm Harness javax.swing.JTable.isCellEditable" - folder of tests: "jamvm Harness javax.swing" Note that the Harness also accepts input from standard input, so any scripts you have locally will still work. Also, for the test name above, a "gnu.testlet." prefix would work as well, as would the name "gnu/testlet/javax/swing/JTable/isCellEditable", so tab-completion is possible. 2. line numbers for failures and minimal information for exceptions - rather than counting tests, when a call to harness.check() fails, a line number and a reason for the failure is given - type/location/point of origin are given for uncaught exceptions 3. constant number of tests - as discussed, by reporting each call to test() as one test, while still printing out all the failing calls to harness.check(), we're able to achieve a constant number of tests between successive runs, even if there are uncaught exceptions. *** NOTE: This harness is not done yet. There is no hang/crash detection, so you will notice problems if you try to run all tests. I'm hoping for feedback on the things it *can* do so far. This harness will eventually detect crashes/hangs and will also auto-compile tests, so new or updated tests will be run properly without having to compile them separately. Code coverage tools may also be added. So although right now the harness provides no more than what was already available, it eventually will and I'd like to develop it in stages, which is why I submit this patch for comments. Thanks, Tony