Greetings, I think that the regression test "gnu/testlet/java/lang/Integer/" should be fixed to work correctly for pre JDK1.7 case (JDK1.0 .. JDK1.6) and also for JDK1.7 case. The difference between JDK1.6 and JDK1.7 is in the behaviour of method Integer.parseInt() when string beginning with '+' sign is parsed: Integer.parseInt("+42") JDK1.6 throws exception in this case, but parsing the same string is perfectly valid in JDK1.7. So I added the condition to the test which checks what JDK is being tested (I can't figure out how Mauve harness checks the "Tags: JDKxx" tag). I also changed the message printed in case JDK1.7 does not work correctly. Is it possible to push the fixed test to Mauve repository please? Thank you in advance, Pavel