Brian Inglis writes: > What are the accuracy tradeoffs, if any, vs memory vs time? The 'exact' code offers a 'round trip' guarantee if you use at least 9 digits for 32-bit floats and 17 digits for 64-bit floats. The inexact code performs all of the exponent scaling operations using floating point values; the more scaling you do, the less precise the result. For memory, neither use significant RAM as there aren't that many intermediate values. Here's a couple of complete application size comparisons (this example is taken from ): #include #include void main(void) { printf(" 2⁶¹ = %lld π ≃ %.17g\n", 1ll << 61, printf_float(3.141592653589793)); } Here's a comparison between the available options, all built from picolibc head as of today. These are all compiled for RISC-V rv32imafdc (32-bit with hardware float and double to avoid linking in all of the soft float code) as I can emulate that using qemu for testing. Picolibc's replacement stdio code has a hack for supporting printf of 32-bit floats, which is useful on smaller systems to reduce the size of the code, which I show here with the 32-bit measurements. text data bss dec hex filename Description 9078 16 8 9102 238e printf-ryu.elf Ryu 64-bit 6350 16 8 6374 18e6 printf-ryu-float.elf Ryu 32-bit 7364 16 8 7388 1cdc printf-hard.elf Old 64-bit 6428 16 8 6452 1934 printf-hard-float.elf Old 32-bit 2314 16 8 2338 922 printf-ryu-int.elf No floats For more comparison, here's the size of the newlib stdio. Note that this does not include 1700 bytes of heap allocated after the program starts: text data bss dec hex filename 22702 760 868 24330 5f0a printf-newlib.elf I haven't benchmarked performance of any of these implementations; Ulf Adams (the author of the Ryu paper and code) claims significant performance benefits over glibc and musl. I would wager that it's significantly faster than the newlib code though. For a machine without hardware float support, I'd be hard pressed to guess which is faster; the Ryu code is all done in integer arithmetic, and so avoids the cost of software floating point, even though it's doing a lot more visible computation. > Should both approaches be retained for flexibility and > reproducibility? Picolibc retains all of these options in the source code, so you are free to select the option which is best for your environment. The Debian packages of picolibc binary versions for RISC-V, ARM and ESP8266 all use the default options, which use the exact (Ryu) option in the replacement stdio code. Configure the build with '-Dio-float-exact=false' to use the inexact versions, compile with '-Dtinystdio=false -Dnewlib-io-float=true -Dio-long-long=true' to use the newlib stdio code with float and long long support (which is always included in the replacement stdio code). The tests adapt to the inexact mode by reducing the required precision, which is why picolibc can still pass in that mode. In exact mode, the tests require exact results. CI tests run on every push show that picolibc continues to pass this requirement: > Hopefully any new approach added will be implemented as reentrant functions, > using externally supplied memory if required, and some interfaces may provide > that memory statically allocated. Yes, the new functions use only constant data with all read-write values being local variables allocated in registers or on the stack. The picolibc stdio code doesn't have any state in the FILE structure when performing output, which makes these functions entirely re-entrant. You can see from the above that picolibc doesn't use a lot of RAM for these operations; that 24 bytes is all that is required, aside from space on the stack. -- -keith