I spent a bunch of time over the last couple of weeks getting the newlib tests running again in my 'picolibc' fork. In the process, I found a few bugs in the library which I've got patches for, but I'm wondering if anyone here has any interest in having the test fixes merged in. I'm not sure how useful they would be in the newlib tree as I'm not sure how to run them here. The 'big' change was to re-generate all of the math test cases using glibc on x86-64. There's code in the libm tests to re-emit the C code which I used for that. For the string conversion tests, I cobbled some hacks together. The newlib code I'm using now passes all of the tests on x86-64-linux-gnu, i686-linux-gnu, arm-none-eabi and riscv64-unknown-elf. For riscv64-unknown-elf, qemu is able to emulate all possible processor configurations and I'm testing them all (30 different newlib builds). For arm-none-eabi, I'm only testing cortex-m3 for now (qemu-system-arm is not as flexible as qemu-system-riscv32/ qemu-system-riscv64). I don't want to spam the list with a large set of huge patches unless there's some interest in them; for now, I've got them sitting on github: https://github.com/keith-packard/picolibc/tree/fixes-newlib -- -keith