Hey guys, I'm a big user and fan of Newlib and have really enjoyed working with it. In addition to it being used in a bunch of the builds I target in CI, I'm one of the maintainers of the KallistiOS indie/homebrew SDK for the Sega Dreamcast, which has an epic amount of modern language and stdlib support for C and C++ thanks to you guys. Anyway, I just encountered something today that is missing that I can't help but feel like should really be included within the lib: support for the C11 timespec struct, timespec_get() function, and the TIME_UTC macro, used to simply get the current UTC time in seconds + nanoseconds: https://en.cppreference.com/w/c/chrono/TIME_UTC Given the amount of non-standard POSIX time functionality that is supported, the modern C++ chrono stuff, the rest of the C stdlib, etc, it feels like this should fall within the scope of the project. It looks like everybody else is just doing a tiny little wrapper for it around clock_gettime(), so it's simple to implement as well... I also see several threads on stack overflow with people confused as to why it's not available to them, so I'm not the only one interested. I've never submitted a patch for anything like this before and wanted to run this by you guys to make sure it fall within NewLib's scope before I was going to give it a shot. What do you guys think? Anyway, thanks again, sorry for the verbosity.