I am attempting to check out systemtap related material with read/write permission from sources.redhat.com. So far I have been unsuccessful. I have an gcc.gnu.org account (should be wcohen) that had read/write access. However, I have not used the gcc.gnu.org account for a while. I was told that things should be available if I had the gcc.gnu.org account. Below is the problem I encounter when I attempt to check things out. $ echo $CVS_RSH ssh $ cvs -d :ext:wcohen@sources.redhat.com:/cvs/systemtap co htdocs Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive). cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any) I don't even get a chance to enter my pass phrase. What needs to be done so to obtain read/write access to systemtap cvs. Just in case I have attached .ssh/id_dsa.pub. -Will