Hi, I'd like to request that the server building GCC texinfo-based documentation (which is, AFAIK, gcc.gnu.org) be updated to Texinfo master, currently at commit f12de7a5b383bed0ea29ee34c427679e0f8b9658. Getting an in-dev Texinfo installed and updating maintainer-scripts/update_web_docs_git to use it and the new CSS (which is a change that is currently committed in git) should be the last step in the process of getting the recent Texinfo changes out to GCC users. I've, so far, asked for approval for installing newer Texinfo on #gcc on OFTC, and got an ACK from richi, and also asked in the original patch thread (but it was late, so there have been no responses yet): https://inbox.sourceware.org/gcc-patches/86sfdz2dyv.fsf@aarsen.me/ Please let me know if there's anything extra that I should do. Thanks in advance, have a lovely day. -- Arsen Arsenović