Hi all,
For Unix-like and user-defined signals (like SIGUSR1)
on native Windows NT/2000, have you ever considered
the idea described in this article?
Windows Developer's Journal
August 2001, Volume 12, Number 08
"A Device Driver for W2K Signals"

Panagiotis E. Hadjidoukas
Ph.D Student
High Performance Information Systems Laboratory
Computer Enginnering & Informatics Department
University of Patras, Greece

e-mail: peh@hpclab.ceid.upatras.gr
work:   +30 61993805
fax:    +30 61997706


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ross Johnson" <rpj@ise.canberra.edu.au>
To: <oliver.kramer@ferrero.de>
Cc: <pthreads-win32@sources.redhat.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: It doesn't work: using pthread_win32 library installation withMSVC++6

Hi Oliver,

The problem is that pthreads-win32 doesn't provide POSIX signals,
only those parts of the POSIX standard that relate closely to threads
(excepting those which can't be implementated on Win32 - yet).

If you need Signals then you should look at the CygWin project, which
aims to provide a much more complete Unix/POSIX API on Win32. I'm not
sure how complete the threads support is, but they have been doing a
lot of work on it over the last 12 months.


Another possibility is the UWin project from AT&T.


Hope this helps.

oliver.kramer@ferrero.de wrote:
> I read all the readable files. I followed all the instructions given in any
> files. Even I recompile the sources but all i get is:
> c:\programme\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\rpcasync.h(45) : warning
> C4115: '_RPC_ASYNC_STATE' : Benannte Typdefinition in runden Klammern
> d:\threads\examples\signals\stat_sigwait.c(33) : error C2065: 'sigset_t' :
> nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
> d:\threads\examples\signals\stat_sigwait.c(33) : error C2146: Syntaxfehler :
> Fehlendes ';' vor Bezeichner 'sigs_to_catch'
> d:\threads\examples\signals\stat_sigwait.c(33) : error C2065: 'sigs_to_catch' :
> nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
> d:\threads\examples\signals\stat_sigwait.c(47) : warning C4013: 'sigemptyset'
> undefiniert; Annahme: extern mit Rueckgabetyp int
> d:\threads\examples\signals\stat_sigwait.c(48) : warning C4013: 'sigaddset'
> undefiniert; Annahme: extern mit Rueckgabetyp int
> d:\threads\examples\signals\stat_sigwait.c(48) : error C2065: 'SIGUSR1' :
> nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
> d:\threads\examples\signals\stat_sigwait.c(51) : warning C4013: 'sigwait'
> undefiniert; Annahme: extern mit Rueckgabetyp int
> d:\threads\examples\signals\stat_sigwait.c(77) : warning C4013: 'sleep'
> undefiniert; Annahme: extern mit Rueckgabetyp int
> d:\threads\examples\signals\stat_sigwait.c(97) : error C2146: Syntaxfehler :
> Fehlendes ';' vor Bezeichner 'sigs_to_block'
> d:\threads\examples\signals\stat_sigwait.c(97) : error C2065: 'sigs_to_block' :
> nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
> d:\threads\examples\signals\stat_sigwait.c(98) : error C2143: Syntaxfehler :
> Fehlendes ';' vor 'type'
> d:\threads\examples\signals\stat_sigwait.c(110) : warning C4013:
> 'pthread_sigmask' undefiniert; Annahme: extern mit Rueckgabetyp int
> Fehler beim Ausführen von cl.exe.
> SIGNAL.exe - 7 Fehler, 6 Warnung(en)
> After reading all the relevant postings in the whole usenet .... - please help!
> What's going wrong? Urgent!
> Oliver
> I tried to compile an example from "Pthread programming" (O'Reilly) =>
> stat_sig_wait.c:
> /********************************************************
>  * An example source module to accompany...
>  *
>  * "Using POSIX Threads: Programming with Pthreads"
>  *     by Brad nichols, Dick Buttlar, Jackie Farrell
>  *     O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
>  *
>  ********************************************************
>  * stat_sigwait.c
>  *
>  * Simple example of pthreads and signals.
>  */
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> // #include <unistd.h>
> #include <io.h>
> #include <signal.h>
> #include <time.h>
> #include <sys/types.h>
> #include <pthread.h>
> #define MAX_NUM_THREADS  10
> pthread_mutex_t stats_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
> int mean, samples, total;
> void *report_stats(void *p)
> {
>   int caught;
>   sigset_t  sigs_to_catch;
>   /* Identify our thread */
>   printf("\nreport_stats() started.\n");
>   /*
>    * We inherited a thread sigmask with all the signals
>    * blocked.  So, we can wait on whatever signals we're
>    * interested in and (as long as no other thread waits
>    * for them) we'll be sure return from sigwait() to
>    * handle it.
>    */
>   /* set this thread's signal mask to block out SIGUSR1 */
>   sigemptyset(&sigs_to_catch);
>   sigaddset(&sigs_to_catch, SIGUSR1);
>   for (;;) {
>      sigwait(&sigs_to_catch, &caught);
>      pthread_mutex_lock(&stats_lock);
>      mean = total/samples;
>      printf("\nreport_stats(): mean = %d, samples = %d\n", mean, samples);
>      pthread_mutex_unlock(&stats_lock);
>   }
>   return NULL;
> }
> /*
>  * worker_thread --
>  *
>  * Don't read too much into what this thread does.  It's
>  * a very simpleminded example.  The only interesting thing
>  * it does is write to the global statistics data-- which
>  * means the thread processing the signal has to protect
>  * against simultaneous access.
>  */
> void *worker_thread(void *p)
> {
> int item;
> time_t now;
> int *amtp=(int *)p;
>   for (;;) {
>     sleep((*amtp)*9);
>     now = time(NULL);
>     pthread_mutex_lock(&stats_lock);
>     total+=((int)now)%60; /* probably not the safest thing to do but
>                   it's just an example */
>     samples++;
>     pthread_mutex_unlock(&stats_lock);
>   }
>   /* Won't get here.  */
>   return NULL;
> }
> extern int
> main(void)
> {
>   int       i;
>   pthread_t threads[MAX_NUM_THREADS];
>   int       num_threads = 0;
>   sigset_t  sigs_to_block;
>   struct    sigaction action;
>   /* Identify our thread */
>   printf("main() running in thread 0x%x\n", pthread_self());
>   /*
>    * Set this thread's signal mask to block SIGUSR1
>    * Other thread's will inherit the mask
>    */
>   sigemptyset(&sigs_to_block);
>   sigaddset(&sigs_to_block, SIGUSR1);
>   pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigs_to_block, NULL);
>   /* spawn statistics reporting thread */
>   pthread_create(&threads[num_threads++],
>               NULL,
>            report_stats,
>            NULL);
>   /* spawn the threads */
>   for (i=num_threads; i<MAX_NUM_THREADS; i++) {
>     pthread_create(&threads[num_threads++],
>              NULL,
>                    worker_thread,
>              &i);
>   }
>   printf("main()\t\t\t\t%d threads created\n",num_threads);
>   /* wait until all threads have finished */
>   for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) {
>     pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
>     printf("main()\t\tjoined to thread %d \n", i);
>   }
>   printf("main()\t\tall %d threads have finished. \n", num_threads);
>   return 0;
> }