From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: Received: (qmail 22336 invoked by alias); 17 Sep 2002 23:32:46 -0000 Mailing-List: contact; run by ezmlm Precedence: bulk List-Subscribe: List-Post: List-Help: , Sender: Received: (qmail 22325 invoked from network); 17 Sep 2002 23:32:46 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by with SMTP; 17 Sep 2002 23:32:46 -0000 Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id RAA27638; Tue, 17 Sep 2002 17:32:40 -0600 Received: by (Postfix, from userid 1000) id 91F734F807A; Tue, 17 Sep 2002 17:30:48 -0600 (MDT) To: Christophe Roux Cc: Subject: Re: debugging References: From: Tom Tromey Reply-To: X-Attribution: Tom X-Zippy: I hope I bought the right relish... zzzzzzzzz... Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 16:32:00 -0000 In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> User-Agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii X-SW-Source: 2002-09/txt/msg00007.txt.bz2 >>>>> "Christophe" == Christophe Roux writes: Christophe> So I want to use server side gdb in order to track my bugs. Christophe> Can someone tell me how to use gdb with rhug-tomcat? I've never tried it. However, a general technique that might work is to attach to the running gcj-compiled process using gdb. See the `attach' command. Doing this effectively may involve adding sleep() calls to your program... not to mention working around areas where gdb's gcj support is less than ideal. Tom