Hi - On Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 06:28:40PM -0700, T Satish Kumar wrote: > Hi, > When i run the program using the sid. i get the output in the form of > hex code on the System monitor's uart1 output window pane ! > How can i get to see the output in its original format i.e for eg: > if the output to be displayed is "Hello" in the printf() function.. > the uart1 window pane displays 48656C6C6F > [...] It turns out that this question rightfully belongs to eCos, not to SID. The eCos libraries sometimes believe that they have a console connection to GDB instead of a raw tty, and therefore encode output in gdb's remote protocol $O packets. You need to tell eCos not to do this encoding for console output. I don't recall how to do this - it may be an ecosconfig option. - FChE