Hi - > sid.conf:42: component type sid-control-tksm unknown > sid.conf:50: component type bridge-tcl unknown > sid.conf:90: component tksm not found > sid.conf:94: component tksm not found > sid.conf:110: component tcl-event-consumer not found > sid.conf:111: component tcl-event-consumer not found > sid.conf:112: component tcl-event-consumer not found > Configuration error. Aborting. > > Can you tell me what might be going on here? the Tk/Tcl stuff compiled. > The library is there.. Is there some environment variable I need to set? If you are running an installed sid out of the directory given at configure-time (using --prefix), you should not need to set any environment variables. Otherwise, you may need a variety - TCL_PACKAGE_PATH, SID_EXEC_PREFIX. - FChE