Hi - > I was wondering what are the future plans for SID. > [...] > But I need to make more complex designs, an N-way SMP for example [...] Some degree of SMP modelling is straightforward: just instantiate N CPU components, and wire them up in a sid configuration file in whatever way is appropriate. Some of the flexibility can be expressed using the C++ configuration frontend's command line options. > [...] I looked for components such as a TLB that I could plug on the > bus, A complex TLB may be pretty hard to model as an isolated sid component, because of the interconnection with a typical MMU's page-table-fetching logic. > or DMA controller that I can use to generate IO traffic, but could > not find any. If you're not sure what flavour controller you'd like, then invent a very simple one, and perhaps script it in tcl. Or use a secondary general purpose processor with DMA-only "firmware". > [...] Are you planning to add examples for setting various type of > boards ? [...] Can you suggest an example to help me see what you mean? In some cases, supporting a "board" just means assembling a configuration from existing components, which is relatively simple. In others, it requires writing new components, which can span the whole spectrum of complexity. > What about the support for 'bochs' (x86). Are you going to continue > work on that when new 'bochs' is released? [...] The bottom > question is what are you planning for the next couple of years for > SID. [...] Red Hat is contracted to continue development of SID-based simulator ports, some of which are made public on an ongoing basis. These are generally focused efforts toward particular customers' requirements, though occasionally create nice general-purpose components. There are no plans at present to dedicate manpower to improving SID for its own sake. We would of course be happy to help users help themselves. - FChE