Hi, Pending approval of the corresponding CGEN changes, I would like to commit the following which implements a cgen-cpu component for the targets sh-elf and sh64-elf. This component features full pipeline modelling for all sh machines. I have a 7MB tar ball of the new sid/component/cgen-cpu/sh directory. What's the best way to post it? The sh-elf target supports the following machines (use the --board option on the SID command line) which correspond to the equivalent -mconfig options supported by gcc: sh (defaults to sh2), sh2 sh2e sh2a, sh2a-nofpu, sh2a-single-only, sh2a-single, sh2a-fpu sh3, sh3e, sh4, sh4-nofpu, sh4-single-only, sh4-single sh4a, sh4a-nofpu, sh4a-single-only, sh4a-single sh4al The sh64-elf target supports all the machines supported by sh-elf and also: sh5 (defaults to sh5-compact), sh5-compact sh5-32media sh5-64media OK to commit? Dave