Hi, There is a SID port to the Toshiba Media Processor (MeP), which I will be submitting very soon. Toshiba has their own simulator for this target and it has an API which allows programmers to add their own devices to the simulation. Toshiba required that the SID port for this target also implement this API and support existing code written against it. The implementation extends the API of a SID component with the methods required by the Toshiba API using a wrapper component. Each user-defined component then inherits from the wrapper component. The problem comes with existing user code which does not specify a throw() specifier on its destructors. Newer releases of gcc enforce the requirement that the throw() specifier on the destructor of an inheriting class can not be less strict than that of the parent class(es). Now, specifying throw() on a destructor is a minor optimization opportunity at best, so it is preprosed that these specifiers be removed from the SID API in order to allow extension of the SID API to match that of other existing APIs, like Toshiba's. The attached patch does just that. I'm seeking approval to commit. Thanks, Dave