Hi All, For more information see http://oimanager.de/sn.htm Text/Word completion Today every second hand developing application supports keyword completion, when hitting something like Shift-Space (why not Source-Navigator). Since I got a good idea to realize this in Source-Navigator I decided to just implement it and the result is cool. Just now it is not integreted in Source-Navigator and it is provided as Add-On. Screen-Shot Download and Installation You need to download the following files rc.tcl and CompleteWord.tcl and put them into your Source-Navigator Profile directory. This is on Windows: %USERPROFILE%/.sn UNIX: $HOME/.sn You need also to download the file bindings.tcl and place it into /share/sourcenav/gui. This copy fixes a problem in the search module of the treetable, when Num Lock is on (propably Windows only). That's all, just restart Source-Navigator and hit Shift-Space on any word any recommandation or feedbacks are wormly welcomed. Have fun Khamis