From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: Received: (qmail 7663 invoked by alias); 6 Apr 2002 19:17:14 -0000 Mailing-List: contact; run by ezmlm Precedence: bulk List-Subscribe: List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: , Sender: Received: (qmail 7656 invoked from network); 6 Apr 2002 19:17:13 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by with SMTP; 6 Apr 2002 19:17:13 -0000 Received: from ( []) by (8.11.0/8.11.0) with SMTP id g36JHBK116222 for ; Sat, 6 Apr 2002 14:17:11 -0500 Date: Sat, 06 Apr 2002 11:17:00 -0000 From: To: Subject: Back online... Message-Id: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-SW-Source: 2002-q2/txt/msg00002.txt.bz2 Hi all, Sorry about my unannounced absence for the last month or so. I no longer work for Red Hat and I moved to Santa Cruz, then had to fight with SBC to turn on my DSL line (the longest block of time I gone without internet access since the early 90s...). The first thing I'd like to talk about is Copyright assignments. While I was still working for RH I brought the idea of making Source-Navigator a multi-copyright holder project to as many people in RH as I could. This would mean people who contribute code to Source-Navigator don't have to sign over thier copyrights to Red Hat. I was never able to get a firm yes or no from anybody, but I would like to implement this (long over due) change anyway. What's happening with "libSN" (or whatever it was called)? I'd prefer to wait until there is something to show before creating a CVS modules for it. Anyway, with contributions from Khamis, Mo and myself we should be able turn out a new SN release. At somepoint I'll go over the last month or so of the mailing list and apply any patches I've missed, reply to any interesting emails, etc.. Thanks for your patience, and a big thanks to everybody who answered email on this list over the last month. :-) Ian.