From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: "Reiner Suikat" To: Subject: Linking libraries with relative pathnames? Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 08:37:00 -0000 Message-id: X-SW-Source: 2000-q4/msg00273.html Hello, I'm running into a problem trying to link with some shared libraries without having absolute paths defined. The idea is that if I had some means of sharing build target definitions among users, users could then link with their own local copies of certain libraries. Unfortunately, at this time that is not possible (I "share" build target information by copying the entire *.proj files, which works fine) since libraries can only be specified with full absolute pathname. My first idea fo just putting the libs I'm using in an environment variable and placing that in the Link Flags fields works fine on Linux, but not on SGI. The problem here is that the link line now first lists the libs and then the main .o file, in which case the SGI linker does not reolve any symbols from the main program. (It only ssearches each library once for the symbols that are unknown at that time). The gnu linker has no proble here. So, here is the question in short: Is there any way to get a link line similar to ld Flags -o something xx.o ${LIBS} so that the libs (with relative path) come after the main object file? Thanks for any help and keep up the good work, I love sourcenav!!! Greetings Reiner -- Reiner Suikat Institute of Flight Guidance German Aerospace Center (DLR)