Hi All, I have implemented shell scripts that helps me to narrow down a faulty probe that causes problem/crash, while debugging systemtap issues. As per the discussion in weekly systemtap meeting dated 12th March 2009, I am attaching these scripts (kp_bisect.tgz) that may help us in identifying probes that can be a potential candidate for blacklist. These scripts will help user to extract probes (probe function name) from stap generated C module and test plain kprobes/kretprobes allowing user to run bisect-like functionality to narrow down to a single faulty probe. It does handle ".call" and ".return" probes. Can someone can take look at these scripts and see if these can be used as a base for automating the process of testing kprobes for black/white list generation? The file "README.txt" describes the steps to use these scripts. Thanks, -Mahesh.