Hi folks! Finally, I decided to submit my patch, which makes SystemTap work for Android. Moreover, it adds two new features: - Support for ignoring all available tapset directories, except the one that is provided by -K - Support for a pid file in staprun, parameter is -U I had to modify several source files of staprun. Those changes are mostly copied from the corresponding files contained in commit 2c10863bfe41b51272eff714a837f4977bdc257a. For some reasons, those ifdef parts have been removed. I readded them, and changed the macro, which activates them. The patch contains two bugfixes for the SystemTap as well. Unfortunately, I failed to extract those fixes properly. :( The first fix starts at line 510, and goes until line 555. Since an older kernel like 3.0 does not support uprobes, systemtap includes 'runtime/linux/task_finder_stubs.c'. That file itself does *not* include 'syscall.h', which declares several syscall-related functions. The second fix starts at line 1106. For some reasons in the Linux kernel 3.0 the macro cputime_to_usecs() has a semicolon at the end of its definition. Therefore, the defition of cputime_to_msecs() in ' tapset/linux/task_time.stp' must be modified to deal with that fact. Cheers, Alex --- Technische Universität Dortmund Alexander Lochmann PGP key: 0xBC3EF6FD Otto-Hahn-Str. 16 phone: +49.231.7556141 D-44227 Dortmund fax: +49.231.7556116 http://ess.cs.tu-dortmund.de/Staff/al