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* [gcc(refs/vendors/microsoft/heads/main)] Use old version of
@ 2023-09-16  1:08 Eugene Rozenfeld
  0 siblings, 0 replies; only message in thread
From: Eugene Rozenfeld @ 2023-09-16  1:08 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: gcc-cvs

commit afdf90daff33b5f8a339e2c3a1574ea50187c963
Author: Eugene Rozenfeld <>
Date:   Fri Sep 15 17:57:49 2023 -0700

    Use old version of
    Failure manifest format and were
    recently significantly changed. We'd like to keep using
    the old format of failure manifests for now.

 .github/scripts/          |   2 +-
 .github/scripts/ | 537 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 538 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/.github/scripts/ b/.github/scripts/
index 7c43e6f18e3..bfbe7168c93 100755
--- a/.github/scripts/
+++ b/.github/scripts/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ mkdir logs
 make -k $1 -j$(nproc) RUNTESTFLAGS="-v -v" 2>&1 >> logs/output.txt 2>&1
 # Compare failures found to the failures that we're expecting
-../gcc/contrib/testsuite-management/ >> logs/failures.txt 2>&1
+../gcc/.github/scripts/ >> logs/failures.txt 2>&1
 # Print failures to console output so they can be viewed in the GitHub Action run
diff --git a/.github/scripts/ b/.github/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..43d9d50af8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Script to compare testsuite failures against a list of known-to-fail
+# tests.
+# Contributed by Diego Novillo <>
+# Copyright (C) 2011-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GCC.
+# GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+"""This script provides a coarser XFAILing mechanism that requires no
+detailed DejaGNU markings.  This is useful in a variety of scenarios:
+- Development branches with many known failures waiting to be fixed.
+- Release branches with known failures that are not considered
+  important for the particular release criteria used in that branch.
+The script must be executed from the toplevel build directory.  When
+executed it will:
+1- Determine the target built: TARGET
+2- Determine the source directory: SRCDIR
+3- Look for a failure manifest file in
+4- Collect all the <tool>.sum files from the build tree.
+5- Produce a report stating:
+   a- Failures expected in the manifest but not present in the build.
+   b- Failures in the build not expected in the manifest.
+6- If all the build failures are expected in the manifest, it exits
+   with exit code 0.  Otherwise, it exits with error code 1.
+Manifest files contain expected DejaGNU results that are otherwise
+treated as failures.
+They may also contain additional text:
+# This is a comment.  - self explanatory
+@include file         - the file is a path relative to the includer
+@remove result text   - result text is removed from the expected set
+import datetime
+import optparse
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+# Handled test results.
+_VALID_TEST_RESULTS_REX = re.compile("%s" % "|".join(_VALID_TEST_RESULTS))
+# Subdirectory of srcdir in which to find the manifest file.
+_MANIFEST_SUBDIR = 'contrib/testsuite-management'
+# Pattern for naming manifest files.
+# The first argument should be the toplevel GCC(/GNU tool) source directory.
+# The second argument is the manifest subdir.
+# The third argument is the manifest target, which defaults to the target
+# triplet used during the build.
+_MANIFEST_PATH_PATTERN = '%s/%s/%s.xfail'
+# The options passed to the program.
+_OPTIONS = None
+def Error(msg):
+  print('error: %s' % msg, file=sys.stderr)
+  sys.exit(1)
+class TestResult(object):
+  """Describes a single DejaGNU test result as emitted in .sum files.
+  We are only interested in representing unsuccessful tests.  So, only
+  a subset of all the tests are loaded.
+  The summary line used to build the test result should have this format:
+  attrlist | XPASS: gcc.dg/unroll_1.c (test for excess errors)
+  ^^^^^^^^   ^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+  optional   state  name              description
+  attributes
+  Attributes:
+    attrlist: A comma separated list of attributes.
+      Valid values:
+        flaky            Indicates that this test may not always fail.  These
+                         tests are reported, but their presence does not affect
+                         the results.
+        expire=YYYYMMDD  After this date, this test will produce an error
+                         whether it is in the manifest or not.
+    state: One of UNRESOLVED, XPASS or FAIL.
+    name: File name for the test.
+    description: String describing the test (flags used, dejagnu message, etc)
+    ordinal: Monotonically increasing integer.
+             It is used to keep results for one .exp file sorted
+             by the order the tests were run.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, summary_line, ordinal=-1):
+    try:
+      (self.attrs, summary_line) = SplitAttributesFromSummaryLine(summary_line)
+      try:
+        (self.state,
+         self.description) = re.match(r'([A-Z]+):\s*(\S+)\s*(.*)',
+                                      summary_line).groups()
+      except:
+        print('Failed to parse summary line: "%s"' % summary_line)
+        raise
+      self.ordinal = ordinal
+    except ValueError:
+      Error('Cannot parse summary line "%s"' % summary_line)
+    if self.state not in _VALID_TEST_RESULTS:
+      Error('Invalid test result %s in "%s" (parsed as "%s")' % (
+            self.state, summary_line, self))
+  def __lt__(self, other):
+    return ( < or
+            ( == and self.ordinal < other.ordinal))
+  def __hash__(self):
+    return hash(self.state) ^ hash( ^ hash(self.description)
+  def __eq__(self, other):
+    return (self.state == other.state and
+   == and
+            self.description == other.description)
+  def __ne__(self, other):
+    return not (self == other)
+  def __str__(self):
+    attrs = ''
+    if self.attrs:
+      attrs = '%s | ' % self.attrs
+    return '%s%s: %s %s' % (attrs, self.state,, self.description)
+  def ExpirationDate(self):
+    # Return a object with the expiration date for this
+    # test result.  Return None, if no expiration has been set.
+    if'expire=', self.attrs):
+      expiration ='expire=(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)', self.attrs)
+      if not expiration:
+        Error('Invalid expire= format in "%s".  Must be of the form '
+              '"expire=YYYYMMDD"' % self)
+      return,
+                           int(,
+                           int(
+    return None
+  def HasExpired(self):
+    # Return True if the expiration date of this result has passed.
+    expiration_date = self.ExpirationDate()
+    if expiration_date:
+      now =
+      return now > expiration_date
+def GetMakefileValue(makefile_name, value_name):
+  if os.path.exists(makefile_name):
+    makefile = open(makefile_name, encoding='latin-1', mode='r')
+    for line in makefile:
+      if line.startswith(value_name):
+        (_, value) = line.split('=', 1)
+        value = value.strip()
+        makefile.close()
+        return value
+    makefile.close()
+  return None
+def ValidBuildDirectory(builddir):
+  if (not os.path.exists(builddir) or
+      not os.path.exists('%s/Makefile' % builddir)):
+    return False
+  return True
+def IsComment(line):
+  """Return True if line is a comment."""
+  return line.startswith('#')
+def SplitAttributesFromSummaryLine(line):
+  """Splits off attributes from a summary line, if present."""
+  if '|' in line and not _VALID_TEST_RESULTS_REX.match(line):
+    (attrs, line) = line.split('|', 1)
+    attrs = attrs.strip()
+  else:
+    attrs = ''
+  line = line.strip()
+  return (attrs, line)
+def IsInterestingResult(line):
+  """Return True if line is one of the summary lines we care about."""
+  (_, line) = SplitAttributesFromSummaryLine(line)
+  return bool(_VALID_TEST_RESULTS_REX.match(line))
+def IsInclude(line):
+  """Return True if line is an include of another file."""
+  return line.startswith("@include ")
+def GetIncludeFile(line, includer):
+  """Extract the name of the include file from line."""
+  includer_dir = os.path.dirname(includer)
+  include_file = line[len("@include "):]
+  return os.path.join(includer_dir, include_file.strip())
+def IsNegativeResult(line):
+  """Return True if line should be removed from the expected results."""
+  return line.startswith("@remove ")
+def GetNegativeResult(line):
+  """Extract the name of the negative result from line."""
+  line = line[len("@remove "):]
+  return line.strip()
+def ParseManifestWorker(result_set, manifest_path):
+  """Read manifest_path, adding the contents to result_set."""
+  if _OPTIONS.verbosity >= 1:
+    print('Parsing manifest file %s.' % manifest_path)
+  manifest_file = open(manifest_path, encoding='latin-1', mode='r')
+  for line in manifest_file:
+    line = line.strip()
+    if line == "":
+      pass
+    elif IsComment(line):
+      pass
+    elif IsNegativeResult(line):
+      result_set.remove(TestResult(GetNegativeResult(line)))
+    elif IsInclude(line):
+      ParseManifestWorker(result_set, GetIncludeFile(line, manifest_path))
+    elif IsInterestingResult(line):
+      result_set.add(TestResult(line))
+    else:
+      Error('Unrecognized line in manifest file: %s' % line)
+  manifest_file.close()
+def ParseManifest(manifest_path):
+  """Create a set of TestResult instances from the given manifest file."""
+  result_set = set()
+  ParseManifestWorker(result_set, manifest_path)
+  return result_set
+def ParseSummary(sum_fname):
+  """Create a set of TestResult instances from the given summary file."""
+  result_set = set()
+  # ordinal is used when sorting the results so that tests within each
+  # .exp file are kept sorted.
+  ordinal=0
+  sum_file = open(sum_fname, encoding='latin-1', mode='r')
+  for line in sum_file:
+    if IsInterestingResult(line):
+      result = TestResult(line, ordinal)
+      ordinal += 1
+      if result.HasExpired():
+        # Tests that have expired are not added to the set of expected
+        # results. If they are still present in the set of actual results,
+        # they will cause an error to be reported.
+        print('WARNING: Expected failure "%s" has expired.' % line.strip())
+        continue
+      result_set.add(result)
+  sum_file.close()
+  return result_set
+def GetManifest(manifest_path):
+  """Build a set of expected failures from the manifest file.
+  Each entry in the manifest file should have the format understood
+  by the TestResult constructor.
+  If no manifest file exists for this target, it returns an empty set.
+  """
+  if os.path.exists(manifest_path):
+    return ParseManifest(manifest_path)
+  else:
+    return set()
+def CollectSumFiles(builddir):
+  sum_files = []
+  for root, dirs, files in os.walk(builddir):
+    for ignored in ('.svn', '.git'):
+      if ignored in dirs:
+        dirs.remove(ignored)
+    for fname in files:
+      if fname.endswith('.sum'):
+        sum_files.append(os.path.join(root, fname))
+  return sum_files
+def GetResults(sum_files):
+  """Collect all the test results from the given .sum files."""
+  build_results = set()
+  for sum_fname in sum_files:
+    print('\t%s' % sum_fname)
+    build_results |= ParseSummary(sum_fname)
+  return build_results
+def CompareResults(manifest, actual):
+  """Compare sets of results and return two lists:
+     - List of results present in ACTUAL but missing from MANIFEST.
+     - List of results present in MANIFEST but missing from ACTUAL.
+  """
+  # Collect all the actual results not present in the manifest.
+  # Results in this set will be reported as errors.
+  actual_vs_manifest = set()
+  for actual_result in actual:
+    if actual_result not in manifest:
+      actual_vs_manifest.add(actual_result)
+  # Collect all the tests in the manifest that were not found
+  # in the actual results.
+  # Results in this set will be reported as warnings (since
+  # they are expected failures that are not failing anymore).
+  manifest_vs_actual = set()
+  for expected_result in manifest:
+    # Ignore tests marked flaky.
+    if 'flaky' in expected_result.attrs:
+      continue
+    if expected_result not in actual:
+      manifest_vs_actual.add(expected_result)
+  return actual_vs_manifest, manifest_vs_actual
+def GetManifestPath(srcdir, target, user_provided_must_exist):
+  """Return the full path to the manifest file."""
+  manifest_path = _OPTIONS.manifest
+  if manifest_path:
+    if user_provided_must_exist and not os.path.exists(manifest_path):
+      Error('Manifest does not exist: %s' % manifest_path)
+    return manifest_path
+  else:
+    if not srcdir:
+      Error('Could not determine the location of GCC\'s source tree. '
+            'The Makefile does not contain a definition for "srcdir".')
+    if not target:
+      Error('Could not determine the target triplet for this build. '
+            'The Makefile does not contain a definition for "target_alias".')
+    return _MANIFEST_PATH_PATTERN % (srcdir, _MANIFEST_SUBDIR, target)
+def GetBuildData():
+  if not ValidBuildDirectory(_OPTIONS.build_dir):
+    # If we have been given a set of results to use, we may
+    # not be inside a valid GCC build directory.  In that case,
+    # the user must provide both a manifest file and a set
+    # of results to check against it.
+    if not _OPTIONS.results or not _OPTIONS.manifest:
+      Error('%s is not a valid GCC top level build directory. '
+            'You must use --manifest and --results to do the validation.' %
+            _OPTIONS.build_dir)
+    else:
+      return None, None
+  srcdir = GetMakefileValue('%s/Makefile' % _OPTIONS.build_dir, 'srcdir =')
+  target = GetMakefileValue('%s/Makefile' % _OPTIONS.build_dir, 'target_alias=')
+  print('Source directory: %s' % srcdir)
+  print('Build target:     %s' % target)
+  return srcdir, target
+def PrintSummary(msg, summary):
+  print('\n\n%s' % msg)
+  for result in sorted(summary):
+    print(result)
+def GetSumFiles(results, build_dir):
+  if not results:
+    print('Getting actual results from build directory %s' % build_dir)
+    sum_files = CollectSumFiles(build_dir)
+  else:
+    print('Getting actual results from user-provided results')
+    sum_files = results.split()
+  return sum_files
+def PerformComparison(expected, actual, ignore_missing_failures):
+  actual_vs_expected, expected_vs_actual = CompareResults(expected, actual)
+  tests_ok = True
+  if len(actual_vs_expected) > 0:
+    PrintSummary('Unexpected results in this build (new failures)',
+                 actual_vs_expected)
+    tests_ok = False
+  if not ignore_missing_failures and len(expected_vs_actual) > 0:
+    PrintSummary('Expected results not present in this build (fixed tests)'
+                 '\n\nNOTE: This is not a failure.  It just means that these '
+                 'tests were expected\nto fail, but either they worked in '
+                 'this configuration or they were not\npresent at all.\n',
+                 expected_vs_actual)
+  if tests_ok:
+    print('\nSUCCESS: No unexpected failures.')
+  return tests_ok
+def CheckExpectedResults():
+  srcdir, target = GetBuildData()
+  manifest_path = GetManifestPath(srcdir, target, True)
+  print('Manifest:         %s' % manifest_path)
+  manifest = GetManifest(manifest_path)
+  sum_files = GetSumFiles(_OPTIONS.results, _OPTIONS.build_dir)
+  actual = GetResults(sum_files)
+  if _OPTIONS.verbosity >= 1:
+    PrintSummary('Tests expected to fail', manifest)
+    PrintSummary('\nActual test results', actual)
+  return PerformComparison(manifest, actual, _OPTIONS.ignore_missing_failures)
+def ProduceManifest():
+  (srcdir, target) = GetBuildData()
+  manifest_path = GetManifestPath(srcdir, target, False)
+  print('Manifest:         %s' % manifest_path)
+  if os.path.exists(manifest_path) and not _OPTIONS.force:
+    Error('Manifest file %s already exists.\nUse --force to overwrite.' %
+          manifest_path)
+  sum_files = GetSumFiles(_OPTIONS.results, _OPTIONS.build_dir)
+  actual = GetResults(sum_files)
+  manifest_file = open(manifest_path, encoding='latin-1', mode='w')
+  for result in sorted(actual):
+    print(result)
+    manifest_file.write('%s\n' % result)
+  manifest_file.close()
+  return True
+def CompareBuilds():
+  (srcdir, target) = GetBuildData()
+  sum_files = GetSumFiles(_OPTIONS.results, _OPTIONS.build_dir)
+  actual = GetResults(sum_files)
+  clean_sum_files = GetSumFiles(_OPTIONS.results, _OPTIONS.clean_build)
+  clean = GetResults(clean_sum_files)
+  return PerformComparison(clean, actual, _OPTIONS.ignore_missing_failures)
+def Main(argv):
+  parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=__doc__)
+  # Keep the following list sorted by option name.
+  parser.add_option('--build_dir', action='store', type='string',
+                    dest='build_dir', default='.',
+                    help='Build directory to check (default = .)')
+  parser.add_option('--clean_build', action='store', type='string',
+                    dest='clean_build', default=None,
+                    help='Compare test results from this build against '
+                    'those of another (clean) build.  Use this option '
+                    'when comparing the test results of your patch versus '
+                    'the test results of a clean build without your patch. '
+                    'You must provide the path to the top directory of your '
+                    'clean build.')
+  parser.add_option('--force', action='store_true', dest='force',
+                    default=False, help='When used with --produce_manifest, '
+                    'it will overwrite an existing manifest file '
+                    '(default = False)')
+  parser.add_option('--ignore_missing_failures', action='store_true',
+                    dest='ignore_missing_failures', default=False,
+                    help='When a failure is expected in the manifest but '
+                    'it is not found in the actual results, the script '
+                    'produces a note alerting to this fact. This means '
+                    'that the expected failure has been fixed, or '
+                    'it did not run, or it may simply be flaky '
+                    '(default = False)')
+  parser.add_option('--manifest', action='store', type='string',
+                    dest='manifest', default=None,
+                    help='Name of the manifest file to use (default = '
+                    'taken from '
+                    'contrib/testsuite-managment/<target_alias>.xfail)')
+  parser.add_option('--produce_manifest', action='store_true',
+                    dest='produce_manifest', default=False,
+                    help='Produce the manifest for the current '
+                    'build (default = False)')
+  parser.add_option('--results', action='store', type='string',
+                    dest='results', default=None, help='Space-separated list '
+                    'of .sum files with the testing results to check. The '
+                    'only content needed from these files are the lines '
+                    'starting with FAIL, XPASS or UNRESOLVED (default = '
+                    '.sum files collected from the build directory).')
+  parser.add_option('--verbosity', action='store', dest='verbosity',
+                    type='int', default=0, help='Verbosity level (default = 0)')
+  global _OPTIONS
+  (_OPTIONS, _) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
+  if _OPTIONS.produce_manifest:
+    retval = ProduceManifest()
+  elif _OPTIONS.clean_build:
+    retval = CompareBuilds()
+  else:
+    retval = CheckExpectedResults()
+  if retval:
+    return 0
+  else:
+    return 1
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  retval = Main(sys.argv)
+  sys.exit(retval)

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2023-09-16  1:08 [gcc(refs/vendors/microsoft/heads/main)] Use old version of Eugene Rozenfeld

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