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* LVM2/lib/replicator .exported_symbols Makefile ...
@ 2010-05-21 13:17 zkabelac
  0 siblings, 0 replies; only message in thread
From: zkabelac @ 2010-05-21 13:17 UTC (permalink / raw)
  To: lvm-devel, lvm2-cvs

CVSROOT:	/cvs/lvm2
Module name:	LVM2
Changes by:	2010-05-21 13:17:21

Added files:
	lib/replicator : .exported_symbols replicator.c 

Log message:
	Right directory name for replicator files.
	My local CVS was placing file in slightly different directory by using
	obsolete files.


/cvs/lvm2/LVM2/lib/replicator/.exported_symbols,v  -->  standard output
revision 1.1
--- LVM2/lib/replicator/.exported_symbols
+++ -	2010-05-21 13:17:21.869306000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
/cvs/lvm2/LVM2/lib/replicator/,v  -->  standard output
revision 1.1
--- LVM2/lib/replicator/
+++ -	2010-05-21 13:17:21.965524000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This file is part of LVM2.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
+# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
+# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+SOURCES = replicator.c
+LIB_SHARED = liblvm2replicator.$(LIB_SUFFIX)
+include $(top_builddir)/make.tmpl
+install: install_lib_shared_plugin
/cvs/lvm2/LVM2/lib/replicator/replicator.c,v  -->  standard output
revision 1.1
--- LVM2/lib/replicator/replicator.c
+++ -	2010-05-21 13:17:22.085525000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This file is part of LVM2.
+ *
+ * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
+ * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
+ * of the GNU Lesser General Public License v.2.1.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
+#include "lib.h"
+#include "toolcontext.h"
+#include "metadata.h"
+#include "segtype.h"
+#include "text_export.h"
+#include "text_import.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "activate.h"
+#include "str_list.h"
+#ifdef DMEVENTD
+#  include "sharedlib.h"
+#  include "libdevmapper-event.h"
+/* Dm kernel module name for replicator */
+#define REPLICATOR_MODULE "replicator"
+#define REPLICATOR_DEV_MODULE "replicator-dev"
+ * Macro used as return argument - returns 0.
+ * return is left to be written in the function for better readability.
+ */
+#define SEG_LOG_ERROR(t, p...) \
+	log_error(t " segment %s of logical volume %s.", ## p, \
+		  config_parent_name(sn), seg->lv->name), 0;
+ *  Replicator target
+ */
+static const char *_replicator_name(const struct lv_segment *seg)
+	return seg->segtype->name;
+/* FIXME: missing implementation */
+static void _replicator_display(const struct lv_segment *seg)
+	//const char *size;
+	//uint32_t s;
+	log_print("  Replicator");
+	if (seg->rlog_lv)
+		log_print("  Replicator volume\t%s", seg->rlog_lv->name);
+/* Wrapper for get_config_uint32() with default value */
+static uint32_t _get_config_uint32(const struct config_node *cn,
+				   const char *path,
+				   uint32_t def)
+	uint32_t t;
+	return get_config_uint32(cn, path, &t) ? t : def;
+/* Wrapper for get_config_uint64() with default value */
+static uint64_t _get_config_uint64(const struct config_node *cn,
+				   const char *path,
+				   uint64_t def)
+	uint64_t t;
+	return get_config_uint64(cn, path, &t) ? t : def;
+/* Strings replicator_state_t enum */
+static const char _state_txt[NUM_REPLICATOR_STATE][8] = {
+	"passive",
+	"active"
+/* Parse state string */
+static replicator_state_t _get_state(const struct config_node *sn,
+				     const char *path, replicator_state_t def)
+	char *str;
+	unsigned i;
+	if (get_config_str(sn, path, &str)) {
+		for (i = 0; i < sizeof(_state_txt)/sizeof(_state_txt[0]); ++i)
+			if (strcasecmp(str, _state_txt[i]) == 0)
+				return (replicator_state_t) i;
+		log_warn("%s: unknown value '%s', using default '%s' state",
+			 path, str, _state_txt[def]);
+	}
+	return def;
+/* Strings for replicator_action_t enum */
+static const char _op_mode_txt[NUM_DM_REPLICATOR_MODES][8] = {
+	"sync",
+	"warn",
+	"stall",
+	"drop",
+	"fail"
+/* Parse action string */
+static dm_replicator_mode_t _get_op_mode(const struct config_node *sn,
+					 const char *path, dm_replicator_mode_t def)
+	char *str;
+	unsigned i;
+	if (get_config_str(sn, path, &str)) {
+		for (i = 0; i < sizeof(_op_mode_txt)/sizeof(_op_mode_txt[0]); ++i)
+			if (strcasecmp(str, _op_mode_txt[i]) == 0) {
+				log_very_verbose("Setting %s to %s",
+						 path, _op_mode_txt[i]);
+				return (dm_replicator_mode_t) i;
+			}
+		log_warn("%s: unknown value '%s', using default '%s' operation mode",
+			 path, str, _op_mode_txt[def]);
+	}
+	return def;
+static struct replicator_site *_get_site(struct logical_volume *replicator,
+					 const char *key)
+	struct dm_pool *mem = replicator->vg->vgmem;
+	struct replicator_site *rsite;
+	dm_list_iterate_items(rsite, &replicator->rsites)
+		if (strcasecmp(rsite->name, key) == 0)
+			return rsite;
+	if (!(rsite = dm_pool_zalloc(mem, sizeof(*rsite))))
+		return_NULL;
+	if (!(rsite->name = dm_pool_strdup(mem, key)))
+		return_NULL;
+	rsite->replicator = replicator;
+	dm_list_init(&rsite->rdevices);
+	dm_list_add(&replicator->rsites, &rsite->list);
+	return rsite;
+/* Parse replicator site element */
+static int _add_site(struct lv_segment *seg,
+		     const char *key,
+		     const struct config_node *sn)
+	struct dm_pool *mem = seg->lv->vg->vgmem;
+	const struct config_node *cn;
+	struct replicator_site *rsite;
+	if (!(rsite = _get_site(seg->lv, key)))
+		return_0;
+	if (!find_config_node(sn, "site_index"))
+		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Mandatory site_index is missing for");
+	rsite->state = _get_state(sn, "state", REPLICATOR_STATE_PASSIVE);
+	rsite->site_index = _get_config_uint32(sn, "site_index", 0);
+	if (rsite->site_index > seg->rsite_index_highest)
+		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("site_index=%d > highest_site_index=%d for",
+				     rsite->site_index, seg->rsite_index_highest);
+	rsite->fall_behind_data = _get_config_uint64(sn, "fall_behind_data", 0);
+	rsite->fall_behind_ios = _get_config_uint32(sn, "fall_behind_ios", 0);
+	rsite->fall_behind_timeout = _get_config_uint32(sn, "fall_behind_timeout", 0);
+	rsite->op_mode = DM_REPLICATOR_SYNC;
+	if (rsite->fall_behind_data ||
+	    rsite->fall_behind_ios ||
+	    rsite->fall_behind_timeout) {
+		if (rsite->fall_behind_data && rsite->fall_behind_ios)
+			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Defined both fall_behind_data "
+					     "and fall_behind_ios in");
+		if (rsite->fall_behind_data && rsite->fall_behind_timeout)
+			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Defined both fall_behind_data "
+					     "and fall_behind_timeout in");
+		if (rsite->fall_behind_ios && rsite->fall_behind_timeout)
+			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Defined both fall_behind_ios "
+					     "and fall_behind_timeout in");
+		rsite->op_mode = _get_op_mode(sn, "operation_mode",
+					      rsite->op_mode);
+	}
+	if ((cn = find_config_node(sn, "volume_group"))) {
+		if (!cn->v || cn->v->type != CFG_STRING)
+			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("volume_group must be a string in");
+		if (!(rsite->vg_name = dm_pool_strdup(mem, cn->v->v.str)))
+			return_0;
+	} else if (rsite->site_index != 0)
+		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("volume_group is mandatory for remote site in");
+	return 1;
+/* Import replicator segment */
+static int _replicator_text_import(struct lv_segment *seg,
+				   const struct config_node *sn,
+				   struct dm_hash_table *pv_hash __attribute((unused)))
+	const struct config_node *cn;
+	struct logical_volume *rlog_lv;
+	if (!replicator_add_replicator_dev(seg->lv, NULL))
+		return_0;
+	if (!(cn = find_config_node(sn, "replicator_log")) ||
+	    !cn->v || cn->v->type != CFG_STRING)
+		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Replicator log type must be a string in");
+	if (!(rlog_lv = find_lv(seg->lv->vg, cn->v->v.str)))
+		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Unknown replicator log %s in",
+				     cn->v->v.str);
+	if (!(cn = find_config_node(sn, "replicator_log_type")) ||
+	    !cn->v || cn->v->type != CFG_STRING)
+		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Replicator log's type must be a string in");
+	if (strcasecmp(cn->v->v.str, "ringbuffer"))
+		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Only ringbuffer replicator log type is supported in");
+	if (!(seg->rlog_type = dm_pool_strdup(seg->lv->vg->vgmem, cn->v->v.str)))
+		return_0;
+	log_very_verbose("replicator_log = %s", rlog_lv->name);
+	log_very_verbose("replicator_log_type = %s", seg->rlog_type);
+	if (!replicator_add_rlog(seg, rlog_lv))
+		return_0;
+	seg->rdevice_index_highest = _get_config_uint64(sn, "highest_device_index", 0);
+	seg->rsite_index_highest = _get_config_uint32(sn, "highest_site_index", 0);
+	seg->region_size = _get_config_uint32(sn, "sync_log_size", 0);
+	for (; sn; sn = sn->sib)
+		if (!sn->v) {
+			for (cn = sn->sib; cn; cn = cn->sib)
+				if (!cn->v && (strcasecmp(cn->key ,sn->key) == 0))
+					return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Detected duplicate site "
+							     "name %s in", sn->key);
+			if (!_add_site(seg, sn->key, sn->child))
+				return_0;
+		}
+	return 1;
+/* Export replicator segment */
+static int _replicator_text_export(const struct lv_segment *seg,
+				   struct formatter *f)
+	struct replicator_site *rsite;
+	if (!seg->rlog_lv)
+                return_0;
+	outf(f, "replicator_log = \"%s\"", seg->rlog_lv->name);
+	outf(f, "replicator_log_type = \"%s\"", seg->rlog_type);
+	outf(f, "highest_device_index = %" PRIu64, seg->rdevice_index_highest);
+	outf(f, "highest_site_index = %d", seg->rsite_index_highest);
+	if (seg->region_size)
+		outsize(f, (uint64_t)seg->region_size,
+			"sync_log_size = %" PRIu32, seg->region_size);
+	if (!dm_list_empty(&seg->lv->rsites))
+		outnl(f);
+	dm_list_iterate_items(rsite, &seg->lv->rsites) {
+		outf(f, "%s {", rsite->name);
+		out_inc_indent(f);
+		outf(f, "state = \"%s\"", _state_txt[rsite->state]);
+		outf(f, "site_index = %d", rsite->site_index);
+		/* Only non-default parameters are written */
+		if (rsite->op_mode != DM_REPLICATOR_SYNC)
+			outf(f, "operation_mode = \"%s\"",
+			     _op_mode_txt[rsite->op_mode]);
+		if (rsite->fall_behind_timeout)
+			outfc(f, "# seconds", "fall_behind_timeout = %u",
+			     rsite->fall_behind_timeout);
+		if (rsite->fall_behind_ios)
+			outfc(f, "# io operations", "fall_behind_ios = %u",
+			     rsite->fall_behind_ios);
+		if (rsite->fall_behind_data)
+			outsize(f, rsite->fall_behind_data, "fall_behind_data = %" PRIu64,
+				rsite->fall_behind_data);
+		if (rsite->state != REPLICATOR_STATE_ACTIVE && rsite->vg_name)
+			outf(f, "volume_group = \"%s\"", rsite->vg_name);
+		out_dec_indent(f);
+		outf(f, "}");
+	}
+	return 1;
+static int _replicator_add_target_line(struct dev_manager *dm,
+				       struct dm_pool *mem,
+				       struct cmd_context *cmd,
+				       void **target_state,
+				       struct lv_segment *seg,
+				       struct dm_tree_node *node,
+				       uint64_t len,
+				       uint32_t *pvmove_mirror_count)
+	const char *rlog_dlid;
+	struct replicator_site *rsite;
+	if (!seg->rlog_lv)
+		return_0;
+	if (!(rlog_dlid = build_dm_uuid(mem, seg->rlog_lv->lvid.s, NULL)))
+		return_0;
+	dm_list_iterate_items(rsite, &seg->lv->rsites) {
+		if (!dm_tree_node_add_replicator_target(node,
+							seg->rlog_lv->size,
+							rlog_dlid,
+							seg->rlog_type,
+							rsite->site_index,
+							rsite->op_mode,
+							rsite->fall_behind_timeout,
+							rsite->fall_behind_data,
+							rsite->fall_behind_ios)) {
+			if (rsite->site_index == 0) {
+				log_error("Failed to add replicator log '%s' "
+					  "to replicator '%s'.",
+					  rlog_dlid, seg->lv->name);
+				return 0;
+			}
+			// FIXME:
+		}
+	}
+	return 1;
+/* FIXME: write something useful for replicator here */
+static int _replicator_target_percent(void **target_state,
+				      percent_range_t *percent_range,
+				      struct dm_pool *mem,
+				      struct cmd_context *cmd,
+				      struct lv_segment *seg,
+				      char *params, uint64_t *total_numerator,
+				      uint64_t *total_denominator)
+	return 1;
+/* Check for module presence */
+static int _replicator_target_present(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+				      const struct lv_segment *seg __attribute((unused)),
+				      unsigned *attributes __attribute((unused)))
+	static int _checked = 0;
+	static int _present = 0;
+	if (!_checked) {
+		_present = target_present(cmd, REPLICATOR_MODULE, 1);
+		_checked = 1;
+	}
+	return _present;
+static int _replicator_modules_needed(struct dm_pool *mem,
+				      const struct lv_segment *seg __attribute((unused)),
+				      struct dm_list *modules)
+	if (!str_list_add(mem, modules, REPLICATOR_MODULE))
+		return_0;
+	if (!str_list_add(mem, modules, REPLICATOR_DEV_MODULE))
+		return_0;
+	return 1;
+static void _replicator_destroy(const struct segment_type *segtype)
+	dm_free((void *)segtype);
+static struct segtype_handler _replicator_ops = {
+	.name = _replicator_name,
+	.display = _replicator_display,
+	.text_import = _replicator_text_import,
+	.text_export = _replicator_text_export,
+	.add_target_line = _replicator_add_target_line,
+	.target_percent = _replicator_target_percent,
+	.target_present = _replicator_target_present,
+	.modules_needed = _replicator_modules_needed,
+	.destroy = _replicator_destroy,
+ *  Replicator-dev  target
+ */
+static void _replicator_dev_display(const struct lv_segment *seg)
+	//const char *size;
+	//uint32_t s;
+	// FIXME: debug test code for now
+	log_print("  Replicator\t\t%u", seg->area_count);
+	log_print("  Mirror size\t\t%u", seg->area_len);
+	if (seg->log_lv)
+		log_print("  Replicator log volume\t%s", seg->rlog_lv->name);
+static int _add_device(struct lv_segment *seg,
+		       const char *site_name,
+		       const struct config_node *sn,
+		       uint64_t devidx)
+	struct dm_pool *mem = seg->lv->vg->vgmem;
+	struct logical_volume *lv = NULL;
+	struct logical_volume *slog_lv = NULL;
+	struct replicator_site *rsite = _get_site(seg->replicator, site_name);
+	struct replicator_device *rdev;
+	const char *dev_str = NULL;
+	const char *slog_str = NULL;
+	const struct config_node *cn;
+	dm_list_iterate_items(rdev, &rsite->rdevices)
+		if (rdev->replicator_dev == seg)
+			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Duplicate site found in");
+	if ((cn = find_config_node(sn, "sync_log"))) {
+		if (!cn->v || !cn->v->v.str)
+			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Sync log must be a string in");
+		slog_str = cn->v->v.str;
+	}
+	if (!(cn = find_config_node(sn, "logical_volume")) ||
+	    !cn->v || !cn->v->v.str)
+		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Logical volume must be a string in");
+	dev_str = cn->v->v.str;
+	if (!seg->lv->rdevice) {
+		if (slog_str)
+			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Sync log %s defined for local "
+					     "device in", slog_str);
+		/* Check for device in current VG */
+		if (!(lv = find_lv(seg->lv->vg, dev_str)))
+			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Logical volume %s not found in",
+					     dev_str);
+	} else {
+		if (!slog_str)
+			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Sync log is missing for remote "
+					     "device in");
+		/* Check for slog device in current VG */
+		if (!(slog_lv = find_lv(seg->lv->vg, slog_str)))
+			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Sync log %s not found in",
+					     slog_str);
+	}
+	if (!(rdev = dm_pool_zalloc(mem, sizeof(*rdev))))
+		return_0;
+	if (!(rdev->name = dm_pool_strdup(mem, dev_str)))
+		return_0;
+	rdev->replicator_dev = seg;
+	rdev->rsite = rsite;
+	rdev->device_index = devidx;
+	if (!seg->lv->rdevice) {
+		if (!replicator_dev_add_rimage(rdev, lv))
+			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("LV inconsistency found in");
+		seg->lv->rdevice = rdev;
+	} else {
+		if (!slog_str ||
+		    !(rdev->slog_name = dm_pool_strdup(mem, slog_str)))
+			return_0;
+		if (!replicator_dev_add_slog(rdev, slog_lv))
+			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Sync log inconsistency found in");
+	}
+	dm_list_add(&rsite->rdevices, &rdev->list);// linked site list
+	return 1;
+/* Import replicator segment */
+static int _replicator_dev_text_import(struct lv_segment *seg,
+				       const struct config_node *sn,
+				       struct dm_hash_table *pv_hash __attribute((unused)))
+	const struct config_node *cn;
+	struct logical_volume *replicator;
+	uint64_t devidx;
+	if (!(cn = find_config_node(sn, "replicator")))
+		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Replicator is missing for");
+	if (!cn->v || !cn->v->v.str)
+		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Replicator must be a string for");
+	if (!(replicator = find_lv(seg->lv->vg, cn->v->v.str)))
+		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Unknown replicator %s for", cn->v->v.str);
+	if (!replicator_add_replicator_dev(replicator, seg))
+		return_0;
+	log_very_verbose("replicator=%s", replicator->name);
+	/* Mandatory */
+	if (!find_config_node(sn, "device_index") ||
+	    !get_config_uint64(sn, "device_index", &devidx))
+		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Could not read 'device_index' for");
+	/* Read devices from sites */
+	for (; sn; sn = sn->sib)
+		if (!(sn->v) && !_add_device(seg, sn->key, sn->child, devidx))
+			return_0;
+	if (!seg->lv->rdevice)
+		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Replicator device without site in");
+	seg->rlog_lv = NULL;
+	seg->lv->status |= REPLICATOR;
+	return 1;
+/* Export replicator-dev segment */
+static int _replicator_dev_text_export(const struct lv_segment *seg,
+				       struct formatter *f)
+	struct replicator_site *rsite;
+	struct replicator_device *rdev;
+	if (!seg->replicator || !seg->lv->rdevice)
+		return_0;
+	outf(f, "replicator = \"%s\"", seg->replicator->name);
+	outf(f, "device_index = %" PRId64, seg->lv->rdevice->device_index);
+	outnl(f);
+	dm_list_iterate_items(rsite, &seg->replicator->rsites) {
+		dm_list_iterate_items(rdev, &rsite->rdevices) {
+			if (rdev->replicator_dev != seg)
+				continue;
+			outf(f, "%s {", rdev->rsite->name);
+			out_inc_indent(f);
+			outf(f, "logical_volume = \"%s\"",
+			     rdev->name ? rdev->name : rdev->lv->name);
+			if (rdev->slog)
+				outf(f, "sync_log = \"%s\"", rdev->slog->name);
+			else if (rdev->slog_name)
+				outf(f, "sync_log = \"%s\"", rdev->slog_name);
+			out_dec_indent(f);
+			outf(f, "}");
+		}
+	}
+	return 1;
+ * Add target for passive site matching the device index
+ */
+static int _replicator_dev_add_target_line(struct dev_manager *dm,
+					   struct dm_pool *mem,
+					   struct cmd_context *cmd,
+					   void **target_state,
+					   struct lv_segment *seg,
+					   struct dm_tree_node *node,
+					   uint64_t len,
+					   uint32_t *pvmove_mirror_count)
+	const char *replicator_dlid, *rdev_dlid, *slog_dlid;
+	struct replicator_device *rdev, *rdev_search;
+	struct replicator_site *rsite;
+	uint32_t slog_size;
+	uint32_t slog_flags;
+	if (!lv_is_active_replicator_dev(seg->lv)) {
+		/* Create passive linear mapping */
+		log_very_verbose("Inactive replicator %s using %s.",
+				 seg->lv->name, seg->lv->rdevice->lv->name);
+		if (!dm_tree_node_add_linear_target(node, seg->lv->size))
+			return_0;
+		if (!(rdev_dlid = build_dm_uuid(mem, seg->lv->rdevice->lv->lvid.s, NULL)))
+			return_0;
+		return dm_tree_node_add_target_area(node, NULL, rdev_dlid, 0);
+	} else if (seg->lv->rdevice->rsite->site_index) {
+		log_error("Active site with site_index != 0 (%s, %d)",
+			  seg->lv->rdevice->rsite->name,
+			  seg->lv->rdevice->rsite->site_index);
+		return 0; /* Replicator without any active site */
+	}
+	/*
+	 * At this point all devices that have some connection with replicator
+	 * must be present in dm_tree
+	 */
+	if (!seg_is_replicator_dev(seg) ||
+	    !(replicator_dlid = build_dm_uuid(mem, seg->replicator->lvid.s, NULL)))
+		return_0;
+	/* Select remote devices with the same device index */
+	dm_list_iterate_items(rsite, &seg->replicator->rsites) {
+		if (rsite->site_index == 0) {
+			/* Local slink0 device */
+			rdev = seg->lv->rdevice;
+		} else {
+			rdev = NULL;
+			dm_list_iterate_items(rdev_search, &rsite->rdevices) {
+				if (rdev_search->replicator_dev == seg) {
+					rdev = rdev_search;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			if (!rdev) {
+				log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "rdev list not found.");
+				return 0;
+			}
+		}
+		if (!rdev->lv ||
+		    !(rdev_dlid = build_dm_uuid(mem, rdev->lv->lvid.s, NULL)))
+			return_0;
+		slog_dlid = NULL;
+		/* Using either disk or core (in memory) log */
+		if (rdev->slog) {
+			slog_flags = DM_NOSYNC;
+			slog_size = (uint32_t) rdev->slog->size;
+			if (!(slog_dlid = build_dm_uuid(mem, rdev->slog->lvid.s, NULL)))
+				return_0;
+		} else if (rdev->slog_name &&
+			   sscanf(rdev->slog_name, "%" PRIu32, &slog_size) == 1) {
+			slog_flags = DM_CORELOG | DM_FORCESYNC;
+			if (slog_size == 0) {
+				log_error("Failed to use empty corelog size "
+					  "in replicator '%s'.",
+					  rsite->replicator->name);
+				return 0;
+			}
+		} else  {
+			slog_flags = DM_CORELOG | DM_FORCESYNC;
+			slog_size = 0; /* NOLOG */
+		}
+		if (!dm_tree_node_add_replicator_dev_target(node,
+							    seg->lv->size,
+							    replicator_dlid,
+							    seg->lv->rdevice->device_index,
+							    rdev_dlid,
+							    rsite->site_index,
+							    slog_dlid,
+							    slog_flags,
+							    slog_size)) {
+			return_0;
+			/* FIXME: handle 'state = dropped' in future */
+		}
+	}
+	return 1;
+/* FIXME: write something useful for replicator-dev here */
+static int _replicator_dev_target_percent(void **target_state,
+					  percent_range_t *percent_range,
+					  struct dm_pool *mem,
+					  struct cmd_context *cmd,
+					  struct lv_segment *seg,
+					  char *params,
+					  uint64_t *total_numerator,
+					  uint64_t *total_denominator)
+	return 1;
+/* Check for module presence */
+static int _replicator_dev_target_present(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+					  const struct lv_segment *seg __attribute((unused)),
+					  unsigned *attributes __attribute((unused)))
+	static int _checked = 0;
+	static int _present = 0;
+	if (!_checked) {
+		_present = target_present(cmd, REPLICATOR_DEV_MODULE, 1);
+		_checked = 1;
+	}
+	return _present;
+static struct segtype_handler _replicator_dev_ops = {
+	.name = _replicator_name,
+	.display = _replicator_dev_display,
+	.text_import = _replicator_dev_text_import,
+	.text_export = _replicator_dev_text_export,
+	.add_target_line = _replicator_dev_add_target_line,
+	.target_percent = _replicator_dev_target_percent,
+	.target_present = _replicator_dev_target_present,
+	.modules_needed = _replicator_modules_needed,
+	.destroy = _replicator_destroy,
+int init_replicator_segtype(struct segtype_library *seglib)
+#else /* Shared */
+int init_multiple_segtype(struct segtype_library *seglib);
+int init_multiple_segtype(struct segtype_library *seglib)
+	struct segment_type *segtype;
+	if (!(segtype = dm_malloc(sizeof(*segtype))))
+		return_0;
+	segtype->ops = &_replicator_ops;
+	segtype->name = REPLICATOR_MODULE;
+	segtype->private = NULL;
+	segtype->flags = SEG_REPLICATOR;
+	if (!lvm_register_segtype(seglib, segtype))
+		return_0;
+	log_very_verbose("Initialised segtype: " REPLICATOR_MODULE);
+	if (!(segtype = dm_malloc(sizeof(*segtype))))
+		return_0;
+	segtype->ops = &_replicator_dev_ops;
+	segtype->name = REPLICATOR_DEV_MODULE;
+	segtype->private = NULL;
+	segtype->flags = SEG_REPLICATOR_DEV;
+	if (!lvm_register_segtype(seglib, segtype))
+		return_0;
+	log_very_verbose("Initialised segtype: " REPLICATOR_DEV_MODULE);
+	return 1;

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2010-05-21 13:17 LVM2/lib/replicator .exported_symbols Makefile zkabelac

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